Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar has been quite busy shooting for his next movie Capsule Gill with Tinu Desai in London. He’s additionally promoting Aanand L Rai’s Raksha Bandhan within the UK. Amid that, the actor has been awarded Samman Patra by Earnings Tax Department for becoming one among the supreme tax payer from the Hindi movie business.
Akshay Kumar becomes most realistic probably tax payer in Hindi movie business; receives honour certificates from IT department
In accordance with the media portal Pinkvilla, the actor purchased the certificates on Sunday morning whilst he was busy with his shoot schedule in London. The actor has several movies and endorsement offers under his flee and has been named most realistic probably tax payer for around 5 years now.
Within the meantime, Akshay Kumar will some other time return as a Sikh character on the broad display veil veil with a movie impressed by exact existence. He’ll feature Jaswant Singh Gill within the movie Capsule Gill that highlights the courageous deed of the mining engineer who ended up saving many lives in some unspecified time in the future of a difficulty.
He’ll next critical person in Raksha Bandhan releasing on August 11, 2022. The actor has Gorkha, Selfiee, Ram Setu, Soorarai Pottru and Mission Cinderella within the works too.
ALSO READ: Koffee With Karan 7: Akshay Kumar remembers how he equipped his flat after Jaani Dushman: ‘I made extra money as Sunny Deol couldn’t arrive’
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