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How to remain not affected by Saturn


Sep 19, 2022

Saturn (also known as ‘Shani’) is a great judge of our Karmas including past, and present. Whatever you do in your present or past lives accumulate as your Karma and is returned to you in the form of reward or punishment. Your righteous Karmas earn you rewards while your flawed Karmas bring you punishments or hardships. Having said that, as always, the Vedic Astrology has the means to help you navigate this judgemental planet and understand how you can control your karmas. This interview with very experienced and traditional best astrologer, Mr. Natarajan S deals with the long-term impact of having the Saturn planet in your horoscope or its transitory phases over many houses. 

 Q – What is the role of Saturn in Astrology?

Mr. Natarajan S: Hindu Astrology calls Saturn as Shani or Sani It is going with out pronouncing that the planet Saturn moves and actions very slowly in comparison to the rest of the planets of your horoscope. Compared to different planets which could depart a selected signal within the length of 30, forty five or 360 days, Saturn or Shani leaves a Moon signal after 2 and half years. One thing in the back of this gradual motion will be that Saturn is at a massive distance from Earth, which may take it a long term to take one rotation.  

Saturn is son of Surya (Sun) and his wife Chhaya. As per mythology, the relations between the father Sun and son Sani have remained strained. The mythological story is Sun’s wife is Chhayya(Shadow) and their son is Saturn, who has mother’s dark complexion. When Sun tis fond of Usha (Sunlight) for her radiance rather than the darkness of Chayya, Saturn got angry, because his father betrayed his mother Chhaya. It is Sun who doesn’t want to see son and son who wants to halt Sun’s fondness to radiance. In other words, the reason being Sun represents bodily soul and Saturn represents fate. Bodily Soul’s deepest desire is to know itself, that is self-realisation of its Atmic nature that is beyond body. But Saturn prevents that by making the embodied soul first to repay its karmic debt. Without serving the sentence meted out by Saturn the incarnated soul (Sun) cannot become liberated.

Saturn is a slow, cold, and dry planet to this date. In other words, Saturn also represents ‘old people.’ People who practice or follow astrology even consider Saturn to be a malefic planet and hold it responsible for all types of hurdles in your life, such as sorrows, miseries, losses, etc. If the Saturn planet reaches a favourable position or aspect or strength in your horoscope, it brings you rewards and longevity. 

Modern Kaliyuga times are quite critical for human beings, from extinction as a race. Without Saturn’s intervention, humans would have fought and annihilated their own race in wars and selfishness, long ago. That is why Saturn acts as teacher and judge of our life activities and decisions to take us on beneficial paths to others also. It forces us on to perform good karmas while blessing us with rewards for the same, but for those who dont hear and act according to his advice then Shani also punishes us for our unethical acts or misdeeds. 

 Q – Do you consider Sani as bad planet or good planet? 

NS– Saturn is not a bad planet, but he is not a good planet also. He is neutral in his actions as he is not doing on his own anything, but he lets our karma act and stands guard for that karma to do its own acts. Although Saturn’s positional and aspectual strengths determine if he is good or bad for a native, I wouldn’t want to create anxiety in your mind but I will have to say that Saturn is malefic or benefic depending upon how you deal with life. 

Though I agree that Saturn is one of the most dreaded planets, it is more importantly the Karmic planet, which means your own karmas guide Saturn’s impact on your life. Therefore, I would tell people to try and read more about your own karmas instead of blaming Saturn for whatever bad is happening in your life.

If you want to help destitute old age home to please Saturn, we give you chance to donate to old age home below. There are many destitute old age homes in south Chennai, this amount will be pooled together to give food to those destitute old age people

 Q – Is Saturn a negative planet or positive planet?

NS – All religions give top priority to Dharma giving it different names. Dharma is righteousness. Righteousness is not doing anything that harms others. So righteous living gives happiness not only to the adherent , but also to all other the living beings. In that sense Saturn acts as a benefic planet to the entire world. In other words Saturn’s impact on your life is guided by whether you accept this planet out of fear or faith. In my personal opinion, I advise clients to “Let your faith (Dharma) override your fear (Adharma).” Then Saturn becomes benevolent to you.

Through my astrology practice of four decades, and such long experience, I can say that though there are both positive and negative Yogas in your horoscope, there is no need to feel elated or dejected based on those yogas. But It is your own Karma and many other factors that decide the final outcome of the planetary positions. Otherwise, how can we explain why a man once a billionaire becomes a pauper one day, or once a superstar is nobody another day. The presence of Saturn in your horoscope also strengthens your belief in miracles in life as that of catastrophes. Sometimes, to fulfill our dreams by hook or crook, we get trapped in misdeeds, too, as you may have seen in the case of politicians, people in business, and spiritual Gurus. Many of them are in imprisonment today, either physically or mentally. This leads to a sense of insecurity creeping into our psyche. If you want to avoid being caught at the crossroads, like others, my sincere advice would be to let Dharmic life be your path rather than quick getting things done. Saturn is the planet who forces you to think that It is not what you want that matters, but it is what others want and how you can fulfill their wishes is that matters.

Some of the seemingly frightening facades of the meticulous control of Saturn on your life are visible in its shadow, Dristi (aspect), association, Dasha (period), Dhaiyya (2.5 year period), and the Sade Sati (7 year period) of Saturn. The most feared among these is the Maha Dasha and Sade Sati of Saturn. If you talk or get an advice or read from an inexperienced astrologer, you could end up frightened with Saturn’s negative attributes, without realizing that frightened mind would lead to more harm than normal.

 Q – Saturn’s hold on human: or what effects Saturn have on people ?

NS – Millions of people are caught in a fearful grasp of the half-baked knowledge and mindless rituals vis-a-vis Saturn and its effect at the behest of inexperienced astrologers. To them, I would say that Saturn/Shani is nothing but a mirror to your own Karma. Saturn reflects your positive or negative deeds in life and rewards or punishes you accordingly. In its appearance, Saturn is believed to be crooked, with a tall, lean body, unkempt self, sunken eyes with prominent veins, thus looking older than its age. In behaviour, Saturn is stubborn, quarrelsome, and, more often than not, a loner. Having said that, it is this planet that dictates your longevity as well as a proclivity to illness!

Speaking of the traits like stubbornness, quarrelsome attitude, or lonely disposition, if these traits are more prominent in your horoscope, it means more influence of a negative Saturn on that individual. Such an individual ends up frightening others, inflicting misery on others deliberately, humiliating people without reason, or becoming really selfish, without realizing the negative clutches of fate tightening around him.

People who showcase strong traits like these, reflective of Saturn’s influence, do not immediately admit to being under its influence. However, they must remember not to commit a crime instead of later pleading in front of a judge who knows it all. 

All said and done, Vedic Astrology is equipped with specific karmic ways to appease the planet before, during or after the onset of Sade Sati, which can bring luck in your favour in different aspects of your life.

 Q – Can you brief Saturn’s moon sign relations?

NS– When we talk about Saturn, people respond with just its harmful manifestations. They talk about Sade Sati, Dhaiya, etc, but in my opinion, Shani deserves more respect and less fear towards it. Being the Karmic Planet, Shani directly attributes to the Karmas of an individual. Just like an unbiased judge, Shani punishes you for bad karmas and rewards you for good karmas. In fact, as mentioned earlier, Saturn has a dual role as per astrology – a teacher and a judge. The kind of importance accorded to Saturn in Vedic Astrology has led to different seers and philosophers describing multiple effects of Saturn on different Moon signs. If you ask me broadly how is Saturn for each moon, I will categories this into five categories as to how is Saturn for each Moon sign – 

  1. Saturn is Benefic for Taurus(10th and 11th house lord) Capricorn, and Aquarius(own houses)
  2. Saturn is Highly Benefic for Libra.(exalted)
  3. Saturn is Malefic for Aries, Scorpio, and Pisces.
  4. It’s highly Malefic for Cancer, Leo, and Sagittarius.
  5. Saturn is Neutral for Gemini and Virgo natives. 

 The two things, though, that can go beyond all the significance and impacts of Saturn on each Moon sign, are a Person’s Karma and Transit of Saturn.

Based on your karmas – Saturn doesn’t harm an individual unless the individual harms others. Though Saturn can be your deadliest enemy in that case, in the opposite case, it can be your best friend too. Saturn is not always malefic or harmful. If we take a bird’s eye view of things, Saturn is malefic towards some Zodiac signs while for others it is benefic. Its impact is not uniform, and, most importantly, its results can be largely moulded through a person’s karmas. The extent to which you respect the Karma theory determines the result of Saturn on different moon signs.

Saturn in Transit – The influence of Saturn on a person is activated during the transit of Saturn. Saturn stays in a particular sign for 2.5 years. The best way to make Saturn your friend & always act for you as a teacher, is have a good Astrologer determine your good karma, check your bad karma on a regular basis. Becoming selfless makes Saturn your best friend. Becoming selfish makes Saturn turn against you. Dont go to Astrologer if you dont want to change yourself from being selfish to selfless.

So one should emphasise more on Karma correction than blaming this noble Karmic planet: says Natarajan S , a famous astrologer currently available online. 

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