BJP MP Janardan Mishra was seen cleaning up an unclean toilet with bare hands in a viral video. He was on a see to a school in Madhya Pradesh’s Rawa district.

BJP MP Janardan Mishra cleaned up the toilet at Khatkhari Girls School in Madhya Pradesh (Photo: India Today)


  • A BJP MP from Madhya Pradesh was seen clearing a toilet with bare hands in a viral video
  • BJP MP Janardan Mishra was seen cleaning up the toilet at a women’ school in Rewa district
  • He was on a check out when he discovered the filthy toilet and chose to clean all of it by himself

BJP MP Janardan Mishra was seen cleaning up a filthy toilet at a ladies’ school in Madhya Pradesh’s Rewa district with bare hands in a video shared by the MP’s Twitter manage.

Sharing the video, MP Janardan Mishr stated that members of BJP youth wing cleaned up the toilets of Khatkhari Girls School as part of Yuva Morcha’s Seva Pakhwada project. This was followed by a tree planting drive at the school’s properties.

@narendramodi @JPNadda @blsanthosh @ChouhanShivraj @vdsharmabjp @HitanandSharma VDOT0n0

— Janardan Mishra (@Janardan_BJP) September 22, 2022

The BJP MP was on a see to schools to take part in the BJP youth wing’s effort when he saw a filthy toilet and chose to clean all of it by himself utilizing his bare hands.

” I was going to the school and discovered the toilet to be unclean. I cleaned it. This is not a huge offer,” he was priced quote as stating by ANI.

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