Just a couple of days after his birthday, Bollywood icon Shah Rukh Khan hosted a fast AMA (Ask Me Anything) session on Twitter this afternoon– providing fans a peek into his cinema resurgence through Pathaan, his newly found tryst with video gaming, and lots of love and assistance towards his fanbase.
While SRK mentioned that he would take concerns for fifteen minutes, he really invested about an hour on Twitter combing through countless concerns. His very first response headed out to a fan inquiring about his ‘hotness’– leading to a tongue-in-cheek reply.
Other fans inquired about SRK’s way of life modifications throughout the pandemic:
Several concerns likewise discussed Pathaan— the star’s very first significant job because 2018’s Zero Fans inquired about his co-stars John Abraham and Deepika Padukone, director Siddarth Anand, and more.
He even took a minute to applaud fellow stars Salman Khan and Akshay Kumar.
Plenty of fan concerns were concentrated on Shah Rukh’s household, with a specific focus on his youngest kid, Abram.
The star likewise took a minute to share a couple of ideas with fans, even reassuring one who declared to have actually lost