Filmmaker, Divya Khosla Kumar, is presently shooting in the UK for an unannounced movie. The actor-director revealed the start of recording for her excitedly prepared for film on Instagram. She divulged info about being harmed on the sets. Divya appears to have actually suffered severe injuries while shooting. She upgraded her fans on Instagram about the very same.
Divya Khosla gets “Badly hurt” on sets of her approaching movie; states, “But the program needs to go on”
On Thursday, Divya required to Instagram and shared a series of photos where she was revealing the swellings she got. Sharing the images, she composed, “Got terribly hurt throughout an action series for my approaching task. The program needs to go on. Required all your true blessings and recovery energy”
Right after she dropped the photos, fans and market pals fasted to reveal issue in the remarks area. Bollywood star Pulkit Samrat composed, “Be well quickly!” Vocalist Mika Singh commented, “Get well quickly.” Responding to the post, a fan composed, “Your hardwork will settle. Dream you a quick healing,” while another user commented, “Hope you recover quickly.”
Yaariyan’s2nd instalment,Yaariyan 2starring Divya Khosla Kumar, Meezaan Jafri and Pearl V Puri will now launch on October 20, 2023. The movie likewise includes an ensemble cast consisting of Yash Das Gupta, Anaswara Rajan, Warina Hussain and Priya Varrier.Yaariyan 2will be directed by Radhika Rao and Vinay Sapru.
Gulshan Kumar and T-Series present T-Series movies and Rao & & Sapru Films production entitled Yaariyan 2The motion picture which will strike theatres on October 20, 2023 is produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Divya Khosla Kumar and Aayush Maheshwari.
Check out: Yaariyan 2 starring Divya Khosla Kumar, Meezaan Jafri and Pearl V Puri to launch in theatres on October 20, 2023
More Pages: Yaariyan 2 Box Office Collection
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