Prolific star Vasanth Ravi impressed the fans previously by playing Superstar Rajinikanth’s boy in ‘Jailer’. He made a shocking discovery about among his upcoming motion pictures, ‘Pon Ondru Kanden’, on social networks the other day. When the makers revealed a direct OTT release, the star exposed that he wasn’t notified about it. ‘Pon Ondru Kanden’ is a film starring Vasanth Ravi, Ashok Selvan and Aishwarya Lekshmi, directed by Priya V with music by Yuvan Shankar Raja. Jio Studios bankrolled this movie. Just recently, the manufacturers revealed that this rom-com flick will avoid theatrical release and struck the little screens straight on the Colors Tamil channel. A promotion was even launched. Vasanth Ravi required to X and stated that he, Ashok Selvan, Aishwarya Lekshmi, Yuvan or Priya V weren’t notified about the exact same. This is doing rounds on the web. He composed: “Shocking!! Is this even True?? Especially from a reputated and prominent production home like @jiostudios. Incredibly agonizing and discouraging to see the promotion of #PonOndruKanden and statement of World Satellite Premiere with no interaction to @AshokSelvan, #Aishwaryalekshmi, @thisisysr sir, @directorpriya_v mam or anybody related to the movie!! We have actually worked actually difficult for this movie. The entire group of #PonOndruKanden is completely uninformed and not being notified about this at all
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