Bollywood star Varun Dhawan’s film ‘Baby John’ is ready to release in theatres. The public was quite impressed after seeing the trailer of this film coming on the occasion of Christmas. The producer of this film is Atlee, who last year gave superstar Shahrukh Khan the biggest hit of his career ‘Jawaan’. But this time he has not directed the film himself and has given this opportunity to his favorite assistant director Kalis.
However, while watching the trailer of ‘Baby John’, the public saw Atlee’s influence in it. Bollywood film lovers are very excited for ‘Baby John’, but a big challenge will also be present in front of this film in the theatres, whose name is This is ‘Pushpa 2’.
Varun will have to face Allu Arjun’s storm.
Pan India star Allu Arjun’s blockbuster film ‘Pushpa 2’ was released in early December. The third week of this film is going to start at the box office from Friday, but it is not slowing down. On Thursday, the film collected Rs 14 crore at the box office. Now ‘Pushpa 2’ has become the biggest Hindi film with a net collection of almost Rs 633 crore in 15 days. Still, Allu Arjun’s film remains strong during working days, but like last weekend, its craze will increase once again this weekend too.
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‘Baby John’ is releasing on Wednesday, on the Christmas holiday. Varun’s film will definitely get the benefit of this holiday, but the trend of ‘Pushpa 2’ shows that its craze will also be effective on the holiday. In such a situation, the whole issue is going to boil down to how many screens the almost 3 weeks old ‘Pushpa 2’ gets in front of the new film ‘Baby John’.
Trouble has started regarding screens
‘Pushpa 2’ has made huge earnings in the second week also. In such a situation, there is simple logic that when the film is earning then why would its makers agree to reduce the screens? A report in Bollywood Hungama revealed that Anil Thadani, the distributor of ‘Pushpa 2’, had demanded from all the film exhibitors that in the new week i.e. from this Friday to next Thursday, they should release both the films (Pushpa 2 and Baby John) equally. Will provide screens.
This means that on the day of release of the new film ‘Baby John’, the screens of ‘Pushpa 2’ cannot be reduced to give it priority. But the national multiplex chain PVR did not agree to this condition because they themselves are the distributors of ‘Baby John’ in North India. Why don’t they try to give their film more screens in their own theatres? This issue got so stuck that for some time on Thursday, booking of ‘Pushpa 2’ for the new week was stopped in PVR and other multiplex chains. It simply means that it is not going to be easy for ‘Baby John’ to get screens.
Varun Dhawan’s opening and second week of ‘Pushpa 2’
Check out the top 3 opening collections of Varun’s career as a lead star alone:
1. Kalank- Rs 21.60 crore
2. Judwaa 2- Rs 16.10 crore
3. ABCD 2- Rs 14.30 crore
‘Pushpa 2’ had collected more than Rs 20 crore on Monday and Rs 14 crore on Thursday. After getting a jump in the weekend, the collection will increase further. That is, ‘Pushpa 2’ has been collecting almost the same collection every day in the second week in the range in which Varun’s films have got openings. In such a situation, the simple logic is that on the Christmas holiday, if the screen share of ‘Pushpa 2’ is not much less than that of ‘Baby John’, then it will give a solid competition.
Ever since his debut in 2012, Varun Dhawan has tried to do such films which will reach all types of audiences and not limit him to just urban, multiplex audiences. In between, he also did films like ‘Badlapur’ and ‘October’ which kept his acting in front of the public. But the list of his films shows an attempt to reach the mass audience. However, he had not yet got a confirmed mass action film. And in this case ‘Baby John’ is looking strong.
Varun recently did an action-packed role in Amazon Prime’s series ‘Honey Bunny’ in which the public liked his intensity. In such a situation, ‘Baby John’ can prove to be a perfect film after this. Atlee’s name is enough to assure that there will be a lot of entertainment in the film.
On top of that, Salman Khan’s cameo in the film is also awaited. If ‘Baby John’ succeeds in standing up to ‘Pushpa 2’, then it will definitely get its share of audience after its release. Just the first day of play, let’s see what plays in theaters on Christmas.