Actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed in his Bandra residence on Thursday, leaving him with severe injuries, including one near his spine. Amid public concern over the incident, actress Urvashi Rautela sparked controversy with her comments about personal security during an interview and her subsequent actions on social media. While she expressed regret in a now-deleted apology post, the timing and content of her statements led to widespread backlash online.
Urvashi Rautela DELETES apology post after controversial comments on Saif Ali Khan stabbing incident
Urvashi’s Controversial Remarks
During an interview with ANI, Urvashi addressed the stabbing incident, calling it “very unfortunate.” However, her remarks soon shifted focus to her personal life, highlighting the gifts she had received after her film Daaku Maharaaj crossed Rs 105 crore at the box office. She commented, “My mother gifted me a diamond-studded Rolex, and my father gifted me a mini watch. We don’t feel confident wearing them outside openly. There is this insecurity that anybody can attack us.”
Her comments, which appeared to trivialize the gravity of Saif Ali Khan’s situation, drew immediate criticism.
The Deleted Apology Post
In response to the backlash, Urvashi shared an apology letter on Instagram, acknowledging her insensitivity. She wrote, “Dear Saif Ali Khan sir, I am writing with a deep sense of regret and heartfelt apology… I feel ashamed that I allowed myself to be consumed by the excitement surrounding Daaku Maharaaj and the gifts I was receiving, instead of pausing to acknowledge and understand what you are going through.”
She further praised Saif’s resilience and offered her unwavering support. The letter concluded with a promise to “prioritize compassion and understanding” in the future. However, the post was deleted shortly after, leading to further outrage.
Public Reaction to the Apology and Deletion
Netizens reacted strongly to Urvashi’s actions, with many questioning the sincerity of her apology. A user on X (formerly Twitter) remarked, “Apologising and deleting? Is this a joke or a publicity stunt?” Others speculated that the apology was merely an attempt to stay in the spotlight.
Another comment read, “Why apologise if you’re just going to take it down? Looks like she’s not even taking her own apology seriously.” Fans and critics alike expressed disappointment, calling her actions “embarrassing.”
Saif Ali Khan’s Current Condition
Meanwhile, Saif Ali Khan continues to recover from his injuries at Lilavati Hospital, where he underwent multiple surgeries. The actor sustained six stab wounds, with injuries to his spine and neck, after an intruder attacked him at his Bandra home. Mumbai Police are investigating the case, with over 30 teams working on different leads to apprehend the attacker.
Also Read: Urvashi Rautela issues apology to Saif Ali Khan after backlash over her comments on his attack: “I was caught up in excitement and gifts”
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