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Coronavirus update: All the news from today as more cases taped in Australia

Coronavirus update: All the news from today as more cases taped in Australia


March 05, 2020 22: 57:31

There are now more than 50 recorded cases of COVID-19 in Australia, with a baby diagnosed in South Australia and more than a lots Brisbane healthcare facility staff in house seclusion as a safety measure.

The coronavirus travel restriction has actually been reached South Korea with another spike in cases reported, and Qantas has been handed a breach notification and bought to improve their practices to safeguard cleaners.

This story is being upgraded throughout the day– follow along for the latest updates. You can also keep notified through our brand-new podcast, Coronacast

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Thursday’s crucial minutes

One-day closure at Epping Boys High School following validated case

NSW Health and Education announced Epping Boys High School will be closed on Friday after a Year 11 trainee tested favorable for COVID-19

The one-day closure will make it possible for the school community and health officials to overcome a contact and containment strategy.

Students of the school have actually been advised to remain at house and self-isolate over the weekend

Staff are also asked to stay at home and self-isolate.

The school will supply a further update over the weekend about next steps.

The case brings the number of verified cases in NSW to 25

NSW chief health officer Dr Kerry Chant stated “we are instantly establishing contact with all new cases and their households, as well as their close contacts, and encouraging them to self-isolate for 14 days, monitor their health and be checked for COVID-19 need to they become unwell.”

Secretary of Education Mark Scott stated: “[The Department of] Education has well-prepared connection strategies and is contacting trainees, parents and the wider school neighborhood to provide advice and assistance.”

Help for Aussies stuck on cruise ship

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade says it has consular officials in San Francisco all set to help Australians who are stuck onboard the Grand Princess cruise liner.

The ship is docked off California amidst concerns of another coronavirus outbreak on board.

A guest who had actually just recently disembarked from the ship in the US has actually since passed away from coronavirus.

Reports have actually emerged that there are around 20 other individuals on the vessel revealing signs.

It’s understood 4 Australians are on board the ship.

Around the world at a look

Coronavirus is continuing to spread out around the world, with the total number of cases creeping towards 100,000 globally.

More than 3,200 individuals have actually died of the virus, according to the current figures from Johns Hopkins.

The hardest-hit countries include China, South Korea, Italy, Iran and Japan, with various travel restrictions or changes in location to many of those areas.

Italy’s death toll is now more than 100, with more than 3,000 overall cases because the break out started.

South Korea confirmed 760 new cases and five more deaths according to Reuters, taking its total variety of infections to 6,088 with a death toll of37

Three children have actually been recognized to be amongst the near 200 cases in Spain, where one person has died.

According to a government policy file seen by Reuters, Dubai has actually asked organisers to delay all sports associated activities until completion of the month, with at least 27 cases reported in the United Arab Emirates

Australia currently has more than 50 validated cases.

Italy to close schools as part of new coronavirus containment approaches

We’ve heard great deals of tips (some much better than others) of how to consist of the spread of coronavirus– clean your hands, sneeze into your elbow, foot-tap rather of hand-shake.

Now, Italy’s federal government has actually revealed new “emergency” methods to try and control the infection, as its death toll rises over 100

Here are some examples:

  • Do not hug or shake hands, and keep a distance of “at least 1 metre” from other people
  • ” Events of any nature … that entail an event of individuals” need to be suspended if you can’t uphold the 1-metre guideline
  • All Italian schools and universities will close until at least March 15— apart from training for doctors and health workers
  • Cinemas and theatres must close too
  • Anybody who has actually travelled to red-zone areas who reveals symptoms need to use a mask and stay in their space with the door closed
  • Anyone who can work from home must do so

Travel ban for South Korea, more screening for visitors from Italy

Numerous new COVID-19 cases have actually been reported in South Korea, according to the latest reports from Reuters launched on Thursday evening (AEST).

At a press conference today, Prime Minister Scott Morrison revealed that coronavirus-related travel restrictions for foreigners originating from mainland China and Iran would continue, which the ban would also be extended to South Korea

The revised bans will remain in location till Saturday, March 14.

Boosted screening procedures will likewise be brought in for visitors who have actually originated from Italy, including being asked more concerns at check-in and having temperatures examined o

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