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  • Tue. Jul 9th, 2024

More of the same: On Trump’s signing of order against hiring H1B visa holders

More of the same: On Trump’s signing of order against hiring H1B visa holders

August 05, 2020 00: 02 IST.


August 04, 2020 23: 35 IST.

August 05, 2020 00: 02 IST.


August 04, 2020 23: 35 IST.

Donald Trump is again resorting to despiteful tropes about immigrants taking tasks

The executive order signed by Mr. Trump particularly targets the H-1B visa as one that supposedly results in the loss of tasks to U.S. individuals owing to low-cost foreign labour. Regardless of the sense of shock that this order is likely to cause among those in corporate India who invest in the U.S. economy and create jobs there, it needs to hardly come as a surprise provided the consistent tightening of the screws on the U.S. immigration paradigm during the last months of the Trump administr

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