Filmmaker Kumar Shahani, considered among the leaders of Indian parallel movie theater, died in Kolkata on Saturday, February 24. He was 83. With a profession covering 6 years, Shahani directed a few of the most seriously well-known motion pictures consisting of Maya Darpan (1972 ), Tarang (1984 ), Khayal Gatha (1989) and Kasba (1990 ).
Kumar Shahani, Maya Darpan and Khayal Gatha filmmaker, dies at 83
Born upon December 7, 1940, in Larkana, British India (now in Pakistan), Kumar Shahani studied at the Film and Television Institute of India (FTII), Pune, where he was deeply affected by the works of filmmakers like Ritwik Ghatak and Jean-Luc Godard. His movies frequently checked out complex cultural, social, and political problems, showing his deep engagement with Indian classical arts and literature.
His movie Maya Darpan won the National Film Award for Best Feature Film in 1973. He likewise taught at numerous organizations, consisting of the Film and Television Institute of India (FTII), Pune, where he himself was trained.
More Pages: Maya Darpan Box Office Collection
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