Bollywood stars Madhuri Dixit, Gauri Khan, and Amrita Rao have invested in OYO shares over the past few months, according to a report by PTI. Gauri Khan acquired 2.4 million shares during OYO’s Series G funding round in August 2024, where the company raised over Rs 1,400 crore. Meanwhile, Madhuri Dixit and her husband, Dr. Sriram Nene, also joined the league, purchasing 2 million shares alongside angel investor Dr. Ritesh Malik. This aligns with a broader shift among celebrities toward high-growth startups anticipating substantial returns as these companies prepare to go public.
Madhuri Dixit, Gauri Khan, and more Bollywood celebs acquire OYO shares: Report
Gauri Khan’s Significant Investment in OYO
Producer and designer Gauri Khan made headlines with her significant investment in OYO during its Series G funding round. The company’s valuation from the round stood at USD 4.6 billion, a notable recovery from earlier fluctuations. While Khan’s team has not commented on the investment.
Madhuri Dixit and Dr. Sriram Nene Join the Investor Circle
Actress Madhuri Dixit and her husband, Dr. Sriram Nene, have also ventured into the startup ecosystem by purchasing 2 million shares of OYO. Their decision was made alongside Dr. Ritesh Malik, a prominent angel investor and founder of Innov8. This marks another strategic move by the couple to diversify their financial portfolio beyond entertainment.
Amrita Rao and Anmol Sood Enter the Scene
Another Bollywood couple, Amrita Rao and her husband Anmol Sood, invested in OYO shares through a secondary market transaction. This addition highlights the diverse group of celebrities who are recognizing the potential of investing in startups. Their involvement also points to a growing trend of family offices and individual investors participating in the high-growth startup ecosystem.
OYO’s Valuation and Market Appeal
Nuvama Wealth recently acquired OYO shares worth Rs 100 crore at Rs 53 per share on behalf of its investors, translating into a valuation of USD 4.6 billion. While this marks a significant recovery for the company, it remains below its peak valuation of USD 10 billion. The appeal of startups like OYO, however, lies in their potential for future growth and returns, attracting not only institutional investors but also high-profile individuals.
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