Bihar police on Sunday registered 145 FIRs and arrested 804 protesters for indulging in violence and vandalism at some stage within the June 16 to 18 protests in opposition to the government’s Agnipath way.
The stammer police headquarters in a press statement talked about that the police are carefully scanning the CCTV and video photos of the protesters in represent to identify and consume action in opposition to them. It moreover talked about district police officers are exciting in detailed investigations into the incidents that took station in diverse districts of the stammer.
Protesters in plenty of districts of Bihar Gopalganj, Kaimur, Chhapra, Danapur, Arrah, Lakhisarai and Samastipur vandalised railway stations and set trains on fire. The total wretchedness carried out to the railway properties amounted to bigger than Rs 700 crores.
Nonetheless, there had been no reports of violence and vandalism in any allotment of the stammer on Sunday.
The stammer police has appealed to the agitating youths to retain peace and no longer pay sign to any rumour that could well also incite violence within the stammer.