In Uttar Pradesh’s Lucknow, the daughter of a former IAS officer destroyed diya stalls put outside her residence. A video of the incident is going viral on social media.
Lucknow,UPDATED: Oct 24, 2022 23: 55 IST
It has now emerged that the woman is the daughter of former IAS officer Shankar Lal and is a doctor by profession (Photo: Screengrab)
By India Today Web Desk: A video is going viral on social media where a woman can be seen destroying the shops of roadside diya sellers in Uttar Pradesh’s capital, Lucknow. She was upset that the local vendors had put up their shops in front of her house amid the festive season. The incident happened in Gomtinagar’s Patrakarpuram.
It has now emerged that the woman is the daughter of former IAS officer Shankar Lal and is a doctor by profession. The shopkeepers told AajTak that a woman had warned them to remove their shops but when they did not budge, she first poured water on the diyas on them and later broke them with sticks.
लखनऊ में लाठी मारकर दीयों को तोड़ने वाली महिला पूरà¥à¤µ IAS की बेटी बताई जा रही है. पहले पानी फेंका , फिर डंडा लाया. वो घर के सामने बाज़ार लगने से नाराज़ थी जबकि दà¥à¤•à¤¾à¤¨à¤¦à¤¾à¤°à¥‹à¤‚ का कहना है कि कि बाज़ार यहाठहर साल लगता है
— Milind Khandekar (@milindkhandekar) October 24, 2022
Meanwhile, the shopkeepers and local vendors argued that they have been putting up the stalls every year and have also filed a police complaint.
One of them said, “Madam came in the morning and asked us to remove our shops and also poured water on our diyas and other decorative items. She went on a rampage and destroyed diya stalls. It was all destroyed. I told her to give them some time. We would load items on a vehicle and shift to another place, but she did not listen.”
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The bazar, set up on road, was destroyed by the woman within a fraction of a second.
“She then brought a bat and vandalised the stalls. However, no one told her a word,” a local vendor said. A complaint has been lodged with the police by the shopkeepers.
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Published On:
Oct 24, 2022