There is mourning and panic in the entire village due to the death of three people of the same family – mother, daughter and son – due to snake bite in Sadarpur village of Hapur, Uttar Pradesh. In this case, snake expert Dr. Debanique Mukherjee (PHD, Reptile specialist) said that a snake can bite three to four people simultaneously. No snake consumes its entire poison after biting someone in one go; it keeps a quantity of poison with itself for its own safety.
Snake expert Dr. Debanique Mukherjee.
Ashutosh Kumar
- New Delhi,
- 27 October 2024,
- (Updated October 27, 2024, 10:14 AM IST)
Three people of the same family have died due to snake bite in Sadarpur village of Hapur district of Uttar Pradesh. The mother, daughter and son of the family lost their lives in this accident, after which there is an atmosphere of mourning and panic in the entire village. In this matter, snake expert Dr. Debanique Mukherjee has shared very important information. He says that the snake has so much ability that it can bite three to four people at a time and can prove fatal.
Dr. Mukherjee said that any poisonous snake can have up to 20 mg of poison, whereas only 1-2 mg of poison is enough to kill a human being. In this sense, a single snake can become a threat to the lives of many people. Dr. Mukherjee is a trained reptile specialist.
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Dr. Mukherjee said that about 300 species of snakes are found in India, out of which about 60 species have venom. Of these, 22 species of snakes live in the sea. There are four types of humans living around. The risk of death from their bite is high. Dr. Mukherjee says that the snake saves poison for its own safety. Even after biting one, it still has enough venom. Dr. Mukherjee said that if the snake is irritated too much, it will become aggressive. If disturbed he may bite.
Also read: UP: Two children including mother died due to snake bite, chaos among family members
Experts say that in case of snake bite, it is very important to get medical help quickly. Snake venom spreads very quickly in the body, so reaching the hospital immediately reduces the risk of death. The behavior of snakes varies and some species can be extremely dangerous. Among the snakes found in India, 22 types of snakes live in the sea, while the rest are found on land. Among them, four species namely cobra, krait, viper, and Russell’s viper are considered highly poisonous.
Ways to avoid snakes
For safety from snakes, experts recommend some precautions, such as walking carefully in dense forests, bushes and fields, not putting hands in mud pits, using a torch when going out at night and wearing rubber shoes. In case of a snake bite, one should go to the hospital as soon as possible while avoiding the dust and try to keep the affected person calm to stop the effects of the poison.