Terror tales of family pet canines have actually been declining to take a rear seats. In the current event, an 11- year-old young boy was assaulted by a pet dog. The type of the pet was a pitbull and the occurrence took place on September 3.
Sources stated that the young boy who suffered serious injuries from the pet dog’s bite sustained more than 150 stitches on his face. The young boy is a local of Ghaziabad and the jurisdiction came under the Madhuban Bapudham Police Station.
CCTV video footage associated to the occurrence came forward. The event took place when the kid was playing in the park outside your house. A lady, at the park, was strolling a pitbull canine when all of a sudden she left the family pet animal and it hurried to assault the kid’s face and ear. Individuals saved the kid from the canine’s clutches however it had actually bitten his face by the time they handled to get rid of the pet dog.
Following the occurrence, the homeowners of the real estate society and the area raised strong objections to pet animals taking advantage of kids. It was brought to the fore that the owner of the pitbull pet dog, Subhash Tyagi, a homeowner of Ghaziabad, kept the pet with no license or registration. Consequently, the civic body enforced a fine of Rs 5,000