Army Chief General Manoj Mukund Naravane at the Manekshaw Centre in New Delhi. File photo

Army Chief General Manoj Mukund Naravane at the Manekshaw Centre in New Delhi. Submit picture.|Photo Credit: R.V. Moorthy



Modalities for disengagement from all friction locations in Eastern Ladakh were gone over and will be taken forward by both the sides, states Army source.

India and China have pertained to a “mutual agreement” to disengage on their disputed Eastern Ladakh limit, an Army source stated on Tuesday after day-long talks between Corps Commanders on Monday at Moldo.

” The Corps Leader level talks between India and China on June 22 were held at Moldo in a cordial, positive and useful environment. There was a shared consensus to disengage. Modalities for disengagement from all friction areas in Eastern Ladakh were talked about and will be taken forward by both the sides,” the source mentioned.

Naravane to go to Ladakh

Meanwhile, Gen. Naravane will travel to Ladakh later in the day and exist on Wednesday. “Army Chief will be visiting Ladakh for examining the ground scenario, talk about the continuous stand-off with ground leaders, go to forward places and interact with soldiers on the ground,” the sourcesaid.

Likewise read: ‘China’s PLA meticulously planned attack in Galwan’

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