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Coronavirus | India’s COVID-19 tally crosses 1.5 million mark


Jul 28, 2020 ,
Coronavirus | India’s COVID-19 tally crosses 1.5 million mark
A health worker collects a swab sample from a school teacher in Ahmedabad, Gujarat on July 28, 2020. Vijay Soneji

A health worker collects a swab sample from a school teacher in Ahmedabad, Gujarat on July 28, 2020. Vijay Soneji
  | Photo Credit: Vijay Soneji

The recoveries surged to 9,52,743 on July 28 pushing the recovery rate to 64.24%, according to the Union Health Ministry data

The total confirmed COVID-19 positive cases in India crossed the 1.5 million mark on July 28, nearly 184 days after the first case was registered on January 30 in Kerala, according to data from the States.

Interactive map of confirmed coronavirus cases in India

India now has the third highest number of confirmed cases in the world, behind the U.S.’s close to 4.3 million and Brazil’s 2.44 million cases.

With a single-day increase of 47,703 COVID-19 cases, India’s virus tally mounted to 14,83,156 on July 28, while the recoveries surged to 9,52,743 pushing the recovery rate to 64.24%, according to the Union Health Ministry data.

Coronavirus, July

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