A medical worker checkiing a patient at a temporary hospital set for for COVID-19 coronavirus patients in Wuhan on March 5, 2020.

A medical worker checkiing a patient at a temporary hospital set for for COVID-19 coronavirus patients in Wuhan on March 5, 2020.
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People aged 80 and above are at the highest risk of dying due to COVID-19

People aged 80 and above are at the highest risk of dying due to COVID-19, according to case records analysed by the Disease Control and Prevention Centers in China and South Korea. Victims of the virus with pre-existing medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes have a higher fatality rate than others. Also the rate of fatalities was relatively higher for retirees.

Case fatality of age-groups in China

The chart plots the % of cases against the fatality rate of age-groups in China. Persons aged <50 had a <1% fatality rate while it was 15% for persons aged >=80.

Which age-groups were at most risk in China?

image/svg+xml1410622610141822Fatality rate (deaths/cases)% of confirmed cases in China>=8070-7960-6950-5940-4930-3920-2910-190-9As age increases, there is a sharpincrease in the fatality rateThe share of younger people beinginfected was lower in China

COVID-19 | Interactive map of confirmed coronavirus cases in India

Case fatality of age-groups in South Korea

The chart plots the % of cases against the fatality rate of age-groups in S. Korea. The relationship between age and fatality rate remained the same as China’s.

Which age-groups were at most risk in South Korea?

image/svg+xml1086420261014182226% of confirmed cases in South Korea>=8070-7960-6950-5920-2940-4930-3910-190-9Fatality rate (deaths/cases)However, the share of middle-aged people infected with thevirus in South Korea was very highcompared to China

Case fatality by medical history in China

The chart plots the % of cases against the fatality rate across pre-existing medical conditions, in China. Such conditions increased the chances of fatality.

Which pre-existing medical conditions in a patient are more harmful?

image/svg+xml108642010305070Fatality rate (deaths/cases)Cardiovascular diseaseDiabetesChronic respiratory diseaseHypertensionCancerNo condition% of confirmed cases in ChinaThe fatality ratefor those withcardiovasculardisease was thehighest. Diabetesand respiratorydiseases tooincreased thefatality rate


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Case fatality by occupation in China

The chart plots the % of cases against the fatality rate across various occupations, in China. Retirees have a high chance of dying because of the disease.

Persons of which occupation are more at risk
