Mr. Kumar said the Indian government must ensure that “insensitivity and brute force be replaced by people-friendly measures in battling the pandemic”.

Mr. Kumar said the Indian federal government should ensure that “insensitivity and strength be replaced by people-friendly measures in battling the pandemic”.


” For these people, a state machinery has become a larger danger than the COVID-19 pandemic,” stated Amensty International India executive director Avinash Kumar.

The Amnesty International and the Person Rights Watch (HRW) on Saturday prompted police in the country to act with limit while keeping law and order during the coronavirus lockdown.

The lockdown has actually left millions stranded, struggling to search for food and water, Amnesty International India (AII) executive director Avinash Kumar stated in a declaration. “Regrettably for these individuals, a state equipment has ended up being a bigger danger than the COVID-19 pandemic,”