Barricades put up at Raja Bazar which is a Red Zone in Kolkata.

Barricades set up at Raja Bazar which is a Red Zone in Kolkata.|Picture Credit: Rajeev Bhatt



Inter-Ministerial Central team advises State federal government to be ‘transparent and consistent’ in reporting figures.

The Inter Ministerial Central Group ( IMCT), which was stationed in Kolkata on Monday, sent its last observations to the State government highlighting “incredibly high mortality rate” from COVID-19, and prompting that the West Bengal federal government ought to be “transparent and consistent” in reporting figures referring to the pandemic.

In a letter resolved to the State’s Chief Secretary Rajiva Sinha, Apurva Chandra, group leader of the IMCT, stated that the Central team had actually written 7 letters to him, and dealt with 4 others to the Principal Secretaries of House, Health, Municipal Affairs, and Food and Material Departments.

Also checked out: The secret of the low COVID-19 numbers in West Bengal

Describing the info shared by the State government on April 30 which “ put the mortality to 105“, Mr. Chandra likewise hi