
Reporter called for questioning

Explaining a report headlined “ Kin allowed to exhume bodies of militants in Baramulla” published by The Hindu on April 19 as “phony news,” the Jammu and Kashmir police have signed up an FIR in the matter.

The Hindu‘s correspondent in Srinagar, Peerzada Ashiq, was called for questioning by the Cyber Police in Srinagar on Sunday and after that again on the same evening by the Anantnag authorities prior to being permitted to return home.

” The details priced quote in the news product were factually inaccurate and could cause fear or alarm in the minds of public. The news published without looking for verification from the district authorities,” a J&K police release said on Saturday. An FIR (No. 81/2020) was signed up in relation to the news item at the Anantna