Defence Minister Rajnath Singh. File

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh. File
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Rajnath reviews progress of talks with CDS, defence chiefs

India and China held another round of Major General-level talks on Friday to resolve the standoff on the border in Ladakh. Meanwhile, in New Delhi, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh held another review meeting on the progress of these ground level talks with the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) and the three Service Chiefs, sources said.

Watch | India-China border standoff explained

Separately, sources said, the limited “disengagement” of troops agreed upon last week was currently “underway” at some of the standoff points along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Eastern Ladakh.

Focus on de-escalation

A High-Level Military Conference between Major Generals was held in the Patrolling Point area with focus on de-escalation in Patrolling Points 14, 15 and 17A and Gogra areas, defence sources confirmed. However, details of the meeting were not immediately k