Preparing the ground: A landing and runway strip being laid in Anantnag district amid the border tension.

Preparing the ground: A landing and runway strip being laid in Anantnag district amid the border tension.

Lieutenant-Generals to aim at return to pre-May 5 positions.

The first-ever talks between Indian and Chinese Lieutenant-Generals over the weekend to ease the tension on the Line of Actual Control (LAC) will focus on eastern Ladakh with the aim of moving back to the earlier positions, sources said on Thursday.

“The focus of the talks will be on the Galwan area, Pangong Tso and Gogra. The agenda will focus on the recent use of force, getting back to the positions before May 5 and subsequent de-induction of troops by China,” defence sources said.

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The General Officer Commanding (GOC) of the Leh-headquartered 14 Corps will lead the Indian delegation at the talks to be held at the Chushul-Moldo border meeting point on the Chinese side. The delegation would also include officers of the rank of Major-General and Brigadier of that area and a translator.

These are the first-ever talks at the level of Lieutenant-Generals, which shows how critical the discussions are, an official said.

Pangong Tso is an important