Light and noise: On Narendra Modi’s 9-minute light ceremony.

Significance has its place, but it should be part of a sustainable action plan

Filled with noise and piety but signifying little bit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s third and most current address to the nation on the COVID-19 pandemic barely calmed torn nerves. Stress and anxieties set off by the pandemic are on the increase amongst all areas of society. The lockdown implemented on March 24 has brought the economy to a stop: small companies are bleeding, and companies are scampering to keep their heads above water. Migrant labourers are stranded and hungry; health employees and security workers are currently stretched. The extent of the pandemic itself remains unsure. It is only natural that 130 crore Indians, the audience that the Prime Minister calls out to in all his speeches, have a lot of angst regarding all this. They did expect a reassuring action plan from the Pr