Former Prime Minister of the country Manmohan Singh died on Thursday 26 December. Delhi’s AIIMS Hospital has confirmed this. Manmohan Singh was ill for a long time. After his health deteriorated this evening, he was admitted to AIIMS Hospital in Delhi. Manmohan Singh was the Prime Minister of the country from 2004 to 2014. He was the fourth longest serving Prime Minister after Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi and Narendra Modi. Manmohan Singh was also the first Sikh Prime Minister of India.
Journey from Punjab to Britain
Manmohan Singh was born on September 26, 1932 in a village in the Punjab province of undivided India. He completed his matriculation from Punjab University in 1948. From Punjab, he went to Cambridge University, Britain, where he obtained a first class honors degree in economics in 1957.
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After this, he obtained D.Phil degree in Economics from Nuffield College, Oxford University in 1962. Manmohan Singh has also taught at Punjab University and Delhi School of Economics.
Worked on many government posts
In 1971, Manmohan Singh joined the Ministry of Commerce of the Government of India as an Economic Advisor. Soon after this, in 1972, he was appointed as Chief Economic Advisor in the Finance Ministry. The many government positions he held include Secretary in the Finance Ministry, Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission, Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, Advisor to the Prime Minister and Chairman of the University Grants Commission. Manmohan Singh was also the Finance Minister of India between 1991 and 1996. His role in starting a comprehensive policy of economic reforms is still appreciated across the world.
Reached Rajya Sabha for the first time in 1991
Manmohan Singh was first elected to the Rajya Sabha in 1991. He represented Assam five times in the Upper House and Rajasthan in 2019. From 1998 to 2004, when the Bharatiya Janata Party was in power, Manmohan Singh was the leader of the opposition in the Rajya Sabha.
In 1999, he contested the Lok Sabha elections from South Delhi but did not win. Dr. Manmohan Singh was sworn in as Prime Minister on 22 May after the 2004 general elections and took oath of office for a second term on 22 May 2009. He was the Prime Minister of the country from 2004 to 2014.
Received many honors in India and abroad
Among the many awards and honors bestowed upon Dr. Manmohan Singh in his public career, the most prominent was India’s second highest civilian award, the Padma Vibhushan (1987). Apart from this, he received the Jawaharlal Nehru Birth Centenary Award of the Indian Science Congress (1995), Asia Money Award (1993 and 1994), Euro Money Award (1993), Adam Smith Award of Cambridge University (1956), Distinguished Performance at St. John’s College, Cambridge. Wright Award (1955) was also received for. He was honored by the Japanese Nihon Keizai Shimbun and other countries. Dr. Manmohan Singh was also awarded honorary degrees by Cambridge and Oxford and many other universities.