The trio said the contempt law in question was unconstitutional, rooted in colonialism and produced a chilling effect on free speech and expression.

The trio said the contempt law in concern was unconstitutional, rooted in manifest destiny and produced a chilling impact on free speech and expression.|Picture Credit:
K V Srinivasan


Law in question is unconstitutional and rooted in colonialism, they say.

Scandalising as contempt: On proceedings against Prashant Bhushan

Their petition, submitted through supporter Kamini Jaiswal, focusses on the legality of Area 2( c)( i) of the Contempt of Court Act The section holds that it amounts to criminal contempt if a person releases, by words spoken or composed or by any other act, anything “which scandalises or tends to scandalise or decreases or tends to decrease the authorit