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  • Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

NATGRID to have access to database that links around 14,000 police stations


Jul 12, 2020 #police, #stations
NATGRID to have access to database that links around 14,000 police stations

The National Intelligence Grid (NATGRID) has signed a memorandum of comprehending with the National Criminal Offense Records Bureau (NCRB) to access the centralised online database on FIRs and stolen vehicles.

Very first conceptualised in 2009, NATGRID seeks to end up being the one-stop destination for security and intelligence agencies to gain access to database related to migration entry and exit, banking and telephone details of a suspect on a “protected platform”. The task intends to go live by December31

The MoU, checked in March, will provide NATGRID access to the Criminal activity and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems (CCTNS) database, a platform that links around 14,000 police headquarters. All State police are mandated to submit First Information Reports (FIR) in the CCTNS.

Protecting from leaks

” According to today plan, the security agencies straight get in touch with an airline company or a telephone company if they are on a suspect’s path. The information is shared through international servers such as Google etc. The NATGRID will guarantee that such info is shared through a protected platform, protecting it from leakages,” said a senior federal government offici

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