Those responsible for dereliction of responsibility in the Delhi Cops need to face action

As smoke weakens and facts emerge, the function of the Delhi Authorities during the communal violence that gripped the north-eastern parts of the city from February 24 to 26 turns out to be disturbing and chilling. The circumstances and origins of the violence are important, however what is of utmost seriousness for the rule of law is the behaviour of the cops and other arms of the state. The brochure of violations by the Delhi Cops, discovered by media platforms and civil society groups, is long and detailed. In one case, Faizan, a 23- year-old Muslim guy, was seen in a video being beaten by the cops who were forcing him to sing the national anthem. Unlawfully apprehended for over 36 hours, denied medical attention and released with his body turned blue, according to his mother, Faizan died. It took the intervention of the Delhi High Court for the police to give pr