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  • Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Rule of mob: On mob lynching in numerous States


Jul 21, 2020 #several, #states
Rule of mob: On mob lynching in numerous States

July 21, 2020 00: 02 IST.


July 20, 2020 23: 40 IST.

July 21, 2020 00: 02 IST.


July 20, 2020 23: 40 IST.

Lynchings point to a breakdown of the rule of law in several States

The lynching of three people, declared livestock burglars presumed to be Bangladeshi nationals, in southern Assam’s Karimganj district on July 18 was the second such disturbing incident in current weeks in the location. On June 1, a 43- year-old Bangladeshi national was lynched in Putni Tea Estate situated about 3 km from the India-Bangladesh border. According to reports, the district police are trying to hand over the bodies to the Bangladeshi authorities. Regardless of whether they are thieves or smugglers, such killings indicate an absence of faith in the rule of law, causing a general lawlessness. According to the National Crime Records Bureau’s 2017 data which was released in October 2019 a year behind schedule, Assam has among the greatest criminal offense rates in the country. The State had 143 registered criminal offenses per lakh of population, however such numbers can often be deceiving due to the arbitrariness in the registration of criminal activities. The varying standards of prosecuti

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