An FIR has also been registered against Sohail Iqbal, son of Samajwadi Party MLA Iqbal Malik, in the violence case in Sambhal, Uttar Pradesh. At the same time, now Sohail Iqbal’s statement has come regarding this entire matter. While talking to Aaj Tak, he said that his father called him and told him that the survey team is coming tomorrow. In such a situation, ensure that the survey team does not face any problem and peace is not disturbed. Then he went to Zafar (Masjid Sadar), then the administration asked him to stay inside Zafar’s house.
Sohail Iqbal said that when the violence took place, I was inside the house. I kept urging people to maintain peace. I challenge the authorities to present any evidence against me that could prove my involvement. I have nothing to do with this incident.
Also read: There will be magisterial inquiry into Sambhal violence, FIR against 2700 including SP MP-MLA, 25 arrested
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Regarding this, SP MLA Iqbal Malik told Aaj Tak that I came to know in the evening that the survey is going to be conducted the next morning. Local people told me this. After which I told my son to ensure that the peace is not disturbed. My son is not involved in this incident in any way. What was the hurry to conduct the survey? Looks like some people didn’t like it.
Violence broke out during Jama Masjid survey
Police has started taking action against those who instigated violence during the survey of Jama Masjid in Sambhal, Uttar Pradesh. Police conducted raids throughout the night to catch the miscreants. In this matter, the police have registered a case against Samajwadi Party MP Ziaur Rahman Burke and local MLA’s son Sohail Iqbal. The SP MP is accused of instigating this violence in a planned manner. For this, they gathered a crowd outside the mosque and then instigated it, after which violence took place on such a large scale.
Also read: ‘Announcement was being made from the mosque, keep patience, but the crowd…’, eyewitness of the violence told the scene.
Following the order of the district court, survey work was going on inside the Shahi Jama Masjid of Sambhal. During the survey, suddenly a large number of people gathered outside the mosque and started raising slogans. After this, they started pelting stones at the police team and set the vehicles on fire. Police used tear gas and batons to disperse the crowd. Four people died in this violence.
FIR has been filed on 2750
Magisterial inquiry has been ordered into the Sambhal violence. So far, a total of 7 FIRs have been registered against 2750 unknown and some named people in the Sambhal violence case. So far, 4 people have been confirmed dead in this violence, while 24 policemen including 4 senior officers have been injured.