A horrific accident has occurred in Dindigul, Tamil Nadu. Six people have died due to a fire in a private hospital here. Many people have also been injured in the accident. After the accident, 29 patients undergoing treatment in the hospital have been shifted to the government hospital.
Fire brigade personnel extinguishing the fire in Dindigul hospital. (Photo-Agency)
Shilpa Nair
- Dindigul,
- 13 December 2024,
- (Updated December 13, 2024, 6:44 AM IST)
Six people died in a fire in a private hospital in Dindigul, Tamil Nadu. The accident happened on Thursday night. It is being told that when the fire broke out in the hospital, many patients were undergoing treatment there. He was hurriedly evacuated from there and shifted to another hospital.
According to the information, after the accident, 29 patients were taken to the government hospital as well as other nearby private hospitals. After the accident, rescue work is being carried out rapidly. The fire has been brought under control. However, right now the employees and officers are going inside the building to ensure that not a single person is trapped inside. According to initial information, the reason for the fire has not been clear yet.
The accident happened around 10 pm
It is being told that the accident happened on Thursday night at around 10 pm. As soon as the information was received, fire and rescue team officials reached the spot and started the rescue operation. After some time the Collector and other senior officers also arrived. After a lot of hard work, the fire brigade and rescue team personnel somehow controlled the fire.
According to the information, the rescue operation is nearing completion, but the rescue team personnel including officials are ensuring that no one is left behind.
Collector’s statement on the accident
Dindigul District Collector MN Poongodi’s statement has come on the accident. He told the agency that a fire broke out in a private hospital at around 10 o’clock. The patients have been rescued and admitted to nearby government and private hospitals. Clear information about the deceased will be released only after confirmation from doctors.