U.S. President Donald Trump wears a mask while visiting Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, U.S., July 11, 2020.

U.S. President Donald Trump uses a mask while going to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, U.S., July 11, 2020.|Picture Credit:



The U.S. President was a latecomer to using a mask throughout the pandemic, which has raved across the U.S. since March.

President Donald Trump used a mask during a see to a military hospital on Saturday, the first time the President has been seen in public with the type of facial covering recommended by health authorities as a precaution versus spreading out or becoming contaminated by the book coronavirus

Mr. Trump was wearing a mask in Walter Reed’s hallway as he started his see. He was not wearing one when he stepped off the helicopter at the facility.