A case of kidnapping of a child has come to light from Sambhal district of Uttar Pradesh. It is being told that the mother of the innocent child had refused to give alms. After which the woman kidnapped her two and a half year old child who was playing outside the house and took her with her. When the family did not see the child for a long time, a search for him was started. Searched here and there a lot but couldn’t find anything about him.
Two and a half year old child playing outside the house kidnapped
After this a complaint was lodged in the local police station. During the investigation, the police came to know that a woman was asking for flour from the mother of the kidnapped child. Due to which it is suspected that she might have picked up the innocent child and taken it with herself. Police are scanning the CCTV cameras installed nearby.
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Police registered the case and started investigation
The condition of the victim’s family is crying and crying. The child’s mother told that when a woman came to her house to beg, she called her daughter to give flour, but when the daughter reached the door with flour, the woman had gone without taking alms. Was. Later, when she went out to pick up her two and a half year old son, he was missing. Police say that efforts are being made to find the child, the innocent child will be found soon.