In Nagpur, BJP Chief Chandrashekhar Bawankule’s son Sanket’s Audi hit several vehicles. In which two youths riding a bike were injured. In this case, the police have arrested two people including the driver. During investigation, it was found that the youth in the Audi were drinking alcohol. At present his medical report is yet to come.
Audi car collided with several vehicles
Yogesh Pandey
- Nagpur ,
- 09 September 2024,
- (Updated September 10, 2024, 12:50 PM IST)
The havoc caused by a speeding Audi was seen in Nagpur, Maharashtra. Where the car driver hit many people. This incident was captured in the CCTV camera installed nearby. During investigation, it was revealed that the car belonged to Sanket, son of Maharashtra BJP state president Chandrashekhar Bawankule. Police said that this incident happened in the early hours of Monday. Two people including the driver have been arrested in this case.
This incident happened in Sitabuldi police station area, police have arrested two youths named Arjun Haware and Ronit Chintanwar. It is being told that both were drunk. His medical report is yet to come. Police said that at 1 am the Audi first hit the car of a person named Jitendra Sonkamble. Then the Audi collided with two youths riding a bike. The vehicle hit a Polo car at its T-point.
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On this matter, Chandrashekhar Bawankule said that the Audi car is in his son’s name. The police should investigate this accident impartially, a case should be registered against those who are guilty and action should be taken. The opposition is also aggressive regarding this matter.
Police arrested two youths riding Audi
It is being told that the speed of the Audi car was very high at the time of the accident, due to which the vehicles and bikes that came under it were damaged. Police say that this incident happened in the early hours of Monday, the matter is being investigated seriously, CCTV cameras installed nearby are being scrutinized.