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  • Sun. Jul 7th, 2024

AFP discovers no proof file utilized by Angus Taylor against Clover Moore ever existed


May 12, 2020 #Clover, #Moore
AFP discovers no proof file utilized by Angus Taylor against Clover Moore ever existed

The Australian Federal Cops did not obtain evidence of an allegedly forged file Federal Minister Angus Taylor used in an attack versus a Sydney council, despite suggestions from the Minister he had actually relied on figures from it.

Key points:

  • Police discovered no evidence a draft version of the file Angus Taylor referred to existed
  • The AFP formed “no concluded view” on whether the document used by Mr Taylor was created
  • The Federal Opposition is planning to increase the pressure on the Minister in Parliament today

The AFP had actually been asked to consider investigating Mr Taylor and his workplace, after his decision to scold Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore marvelously backfired

It has actually now released in-depth answers to concerns from the Senate about its early considerations, noting officers likewise did not examine who had downloaded specific files seemingly relevant t

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