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  • Sat. Jul 6th, 2024

Australian shares plunge further on Trump European travel ban


Mar 12, 2020 #European, #travel
Australian shares plunge further on Trump European travel ban


March 12, 2020 18: 33:33

About $130 billion has actually been rubbed out the value of Australian shares after United States President Donald Trump revealed a temporary ban on visitors from Europe and the World Health Organisation stated the coronavirus a pandemic.

Bottom line:

  • The increasing cost of coronavirus and the share market crash has banks and federal government looking at stimulus procedures
  • Despite the UK Government revealing a stimulus strategy, the European markets fell deeper into the red
  • The Australian dollar dipped again to around 64.58 US cents

The ASX 200 index fell almost 8 per cent at its low point– the worst one-day fall given that the collapse of US investment bank Lehman Brothers triggered losses in October 2008.

It clos

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