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  • Sun. Jul 7th, 2024

Australia’s coronavirus re-boot needs to think about population as well as the economy

Australia’s coronavirus re-boot needs to think about population as well as the economy

We all understand our coronavirus seclusion has had a marked impact on our capability to produce GDP income and tax earnings, both so necessary for the correct running of our economy.

However it is likewise at times like this that we tend to forget that our greatest resource is not our considerable mineral wealth or our world-class farming produce. It is our individuals.

And we are a migrant nation, built on the sweat and tears of lots of successful individuals, who, on the whole, maintain our remarkable standard of dealing with their effort, excellent education and the burning goal of constantly wanting to do better.

However we are likewise an aging country, with our biggest market now approaching retirement and less people in the 20-60 demographic– the age that produces the clear bulk of tax income.

Population is on the decrease

Recently Performing Minister for Migration, Alan Tudge, verified what we knew to be real considering that the infection took hold– corona

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