Shivamogga: In a synthetic pas, bollywood starlet Sunny Leone’s image was printed on the hall ticket of a prospect, who stood for the Karnataka Teachers’ Eligibility Test (TET-2022), hung on November 6. A query has actually been bought into the occurrence by the education department after the screenshot of the confess card has actually gone viral. The gaffe emerged at the Rudrappa College when a prospect produced her hall ticket bring the image of the starlet, following which the principal of the organization lodged a problem with the Cyber Crime authorities. According to authorities, the goof-up would have happened at the time of submitting the picture while filing and sending the application online. The prospect stated she did not fill the application online however asked others to do it on her behalf. The education department stated in a declaration that prospects need to fill the application online for which a user ID and password is created, which is unique to the prospect and nobody else can horn in it. The department stated it has no function in producing the evaluation hall ticket since it needs to be done by the prospects just. “The department has no function in whatever media is reporting on this problem. We have actually asked for the cops to examine the matter and start action versus those accountable for the occurrence, ” the Public Instruction Department stated in its explanation. …
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