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  • Mon. Jun 3rd, 2024

Buffalo Cops Resign From Unique Group En Masse In Uniformity With Suspended Officers

Buffalo Cops Resign From Unique Group En Masse In Uniformity With Suspended Officers

All 57 members of the Buffalo Authorities Department’s Emergency situation Reaction Group have actually resigned from their posts in the unique system.

The mass resignation is meant as a show of support for 2 fellow officers who were suspended without pay Thursday night after video of them shoving 75- year-old protester Martin Gugino went viral.

” Fifty-seven resigned in disgust because of the treatment of 2 of their members, who were merely performing orders,” John Evans, president of the Buffalo Cops Benevolent Association, informed WGRZ

A copy of an email that Evans sent members on Friday early morning suggests that the resignations might likewise have been driven by concerns over the officers’ legal defense fund. Evans warned that due to monetary factors to consider, the union may not cover legal costs for Emergency Action Employee that emerge because of the ongoing demonstrations.

He also strongly verified his belief that the officers’ suspension was “BULLSHIT.”

” These officers did nothing wrong however

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