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  • Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024

Byron Bay, Cairns ‘most vulnerable’ to lasting COVID-19 damage


Apr 14, 2020 #Covid-, #damage
Byron Bay, Cairns ‘most vulnerable’ to lasting COVID-19 damage


April 14, 2020 12: 18:41

Hard-hit tourism and hospitality centers Byron Bay and Cairns are among important regional centres most likely to emerge slowest from the economic rubble of the coronavirus crisis, states a global group of scientists.

Key points:

  • Six Queensland communities are ‘susceptible’ to lasting coronavirus financial interruption
  • Centres with economies diversified throughout mining and farming are most likely to recover faster
  • Hospitality and leisure, transport, and oil and gas services are harming the most

South of the recently closed Queensland border, Byron Bay has actually simply experienced its very first Easter in 30 years without Blues Fest, which pulled in 105,000 people last year.

The northern NSW beach haven generally brings in 2.1 million travelers a year but is reeling from the cancellation

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