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China Coast Guard implicated of acting ‘like pirates’ in South China Sea

ByRomeo Minalane

Jun 20, 2024
China Coast Guard implicated of acting ‘like pirates’ in South China Sea

Philippines states coastguard workers equipped with knives and spears boarded their ships in Second Thomas Shoal conflict.

The Philippines has actually implicated the China Coast Guard of acting “like pirates”, stating workers equipped with knives and spears boarded their resupply vessels at Second Thomas Shoal in the most recent fight in the challenged South China Sea.

Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces General Romeo Brawner stated the event happened on June 17 as Filipino soldiers tried to resupply sailors stationed on the Sierra Madre, which Manila grounded on the reef in 1999.

“The Chinese Coast Guard workers had actually bladed weapons and our workers battled with bare hands,” he composed in a declaration on Facebook on Wednesday. “We were surpassed and their weapons were unforeseen however our workers combated with whatever that they had.”

The Philippines stated among their sailors was severely hurt, and the boats were harmed.

Brawner stated the coastguard had actually imitated pirates.

“Only pirates do this,” he stated. “Only pirates board, take, and ruin ships, devices, and valuables.”

The circumstance at Second Thomas Shoal, which lies within the Philippines’ special financial zone (EEZ) about 195km (121 miles) from the western Philippine island of Palawan, has actually ended up being significantly filled in current months with China trying to interrupt the Philippines’ routine objectives to the Sierra Madre.

Beijing rejected its workers acted wrongly.

“The police action taken by China Coast Guard on the scene was expert and restrained,” Spokesman Lin Jian stated at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ routine press conference on Wednesday, stating they were attempting to stop a resupply objective that was “unlawful”.


General Romeo Brawner Jr, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, stated that soldiers carrying out a rotation and resupply objective at the BRP Sierra Madre (LS57) at Ayungin Shoal on June 17 resisted with “whatever that they had.” pic.twitter.com/fu6Ep4CPjp

— Armed Forces of the Philippines (@TeamAFP) June 19, 2024

Lin implicated the Philippines of sending out building and construction product and “even weapons and ammo” to the rusting ship.

“China advises the Philippines to stop its violation and justification at the same time,” Lin stated.

China declares practically the whole South China Sea under its so-called nine-dash line and has actually continued to construct synthetic islands and military stations on outcrops and reefs regardless of a global tribunal ruling its claim to have “no legal basis” in 2016.

Beijing has actually supported its claims with ships from its coastguard, maritime militia and fishing fleets, and on Saturday, it started implementing a 2021 law that China states enables its coastguard to utilize deadly force versus foreign ships in waters that it declares, and to apprehend supposed foreign “intruders” without trial.

The Global Times, a Chinese state-run tabloid, on Wednesday released pictures that it stated revealed the China Coast Guard’s “interception, boarding, assessment and expelling of Philippine vessels” at Second Thomas Shoal in a manoeuvre that appeared to include 4 boats.

One photo, drawn from the air, revealed 3 Chinese vessels– 2 of them black-hulled inflatables– ferreting out a Philippine boat, which seemed sandwiched in between a coastguard ship and among the inflatables.

Military chief General Romeo Brawner pins a medal on a sailor who was required to healthcare facility after the conflict at Second Thomas Shoal [Armed Forces of the Philippines via AP Photo]

The Philippines military, on the other hand, shared its own video of the event. It appeared to reveal 2 Chinese vessels approaching a smaller sized Philippine ship from either side. A 3rd Chinese boat showed up close behind with Chinese coastguard workers in orange life vest then boarding the encircled vessel. One seemed bring an axe.

The Philippines’ Foreign Ministry condemned China’s “prohibited and aggressive” behaviour in the current event, keeping in mind in a declaration efforts were being made “to restore a favorable environment for discussion and assessment with China on the South China Sea”.

It stated no development would be made if “China’s words do not match their actions on the waters” and prompted Beijing to “act all the best and properly”.

The ministry advised China to appreciate worldwide law and the 2016 judgment, in specific, which Manila submitted after Beijing took Scarborough Shoal following a months-long standoff.

Under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), each nation has an EEZ extending 200 nautical miles (around 370km) from their coast over which it has sovereign rights.

Brunei, Malaysia and Vietnam likewise declare parts of the South China Sea.

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