A lab technician works on investigational coronavirus disease (COVID-19) treatment drug


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Modified by Saira Asher

Perpetuity stated are UK

  1. What is remdesivir?

    Remdesivir is an anti-viral medicine that has been used versus Ebola. It works by attacking an enzyme that a virus requires in order to duplicate inside our cells.

    It has actually been authorized for use in Covid-19 clients by the US and the UK, to name a few nations.

    Early data recommends it can cut recovery time by about 4 days, but there is no evidence yet that it will conserve more lives.

    Gilead Sciences has signed agreements with drug makers in South Asia to expand supply.

    The contract between Gilead and five generic pharmaceutical business in India and Pakistan will help make the medicine for 127 countries.

  2. EU exposes countries thought about ‘safe’ from today

    A man wears a mask while waiting for a traveller at Malaga-Costa del Sol airport< img alt=" A male uses a mask while waiting for a tourist at Malaga-Costa del Sol airport" data-reactid=". tz22 i2jkoe.$ lx-tabs0.0.$ lx-commentary.$ lx-commentary.$ post-5efc0e6d1aef1f0655 fca1e2.$ post_0.0.0.0" information- data-src=" https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/live-experience/cps/ / cpsprodpb/vivo/live/ images/2020/ 7/1/ 08196 e2e-7801-4975- a55 f-29 dea595 c921 jpg" data-widths="[240,320,400,480,512,624]" src=" data: image/gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP/// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" >

    Copyright: EPA

    The EU has actually decided that from today, its borders will be reopened to people from15 non-EU nations consisting of South Korea, Canada and Japan.

    China also features on the” safe” list nevertheless it goes through a mutual arrangement, which is still pending.

    The UK is instantly included as” safe”.

    The list does not include the United States, Brazil and Russia- nations that have reported high varieties of cases.

    Nevertheless the decision is not legally binding and states can choose not to open to all of the countries on the list.

    Learn More about the countries thought about safe here.

  3. June was’ worst month of India break out’

    A massive majority of infections and deaths in India took place in June- more than400,00 0 cases and almost 12,00 0 deaths were reported last month, according to the Times of India paper.

    To put that into point of view, India presently has568,092 verified cases and17,400 deaths, according to figures from the health ministry.

    This means that around70%of India’s caseload took place in June. Experts had previously warned that the nation’s peak would occur when the monsoon started- normally between July and August.

    India eased of its lockdown in early June even as cases were increasing at a worrying rate.

    On Tuesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi welcomed the 2nd stage of” opening India” by means of a telecasted address. He prompted people to not be careless and continue to enforce efficient procedures like social distancing, saying that many were not accountable enough in the very first phase.

  4. South Korea distributes stocks of remdesivir

    < img alt=" Lab technicians at a Gilead Sciences facility in California" data-reactid=". tz22 i2jkoe.$ lx-tabs0.0.$ lx-commentary.$ lx-commentary.$ post-5efc0ab31 fc5ad0653 b5c0500.3.0.0:$ post_0.0.0.0" data- data-src=" https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/live-experience/cps/ / cpsprodpb/vivo/live/ images/2020/ 7/1/b54d830f-3ae9- 42 f2-b0d6-a 47630 b43799 jpg" data-widths="[240,320,400,480,512,624]" src=" information: image/gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP/// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 ">

    Copyright: Reuters

    South Korea has actually started dispersing stocks of remdesivir, a drug being utilized to deal with Covid-19

    The supply has actually been donated by Gilead Sciences and conversations are under way to acquire materials in August, the Korea Centers for Disease Control said.

    ” Patients who are eligible for remdesivir are restricted to severe clients with pneumonia and in requirement of oxygen treatment,” the disease control firm said in a declaration.

    Remdesivir is an anti-viral medicine that has actually been used against Ebola. The drug cut the duration of signs from15 days down to11 in a clinical trial at health centers around the globe.

    It is unclear the number of dosages have been donated to South Korea by the US business.

  5. Watch: Six months that changed our world

    At the end of December last year, Chinese authorities reported for the very first time on an outbreak of viral pneumonia in the city of Wuhan. 6 months later, Covid-19 has actually altered the world.

    Enjoy how it spread out across the globe.

    Video content

    Video caption: Coronavirus: 6 months that altered our world
  6. Plea for300,00 0 to follow Melbourne lockdown

    < img alt=" Individuals mark time for tests at a pop-up center in Melbourne" data-reactid=". tz22 i2jkoe.$ lx-tabs0.0.$ lx-commentary.$ lx-commentary.$ post-5efc0ab13718820671 e9a13 f.$ post_0.0.0.0" information- data-src=" https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/live-experience/cps/ width/ cpsprodpb/vivo/live/ images/2020/ 7/1/4e425 a56-9830 -4 ef9-a00 d-9984 b113 d496 jpg" data-widths="[240,320,400,480,512,624]" src=" information: image/gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP/// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" >

    Copyright: Getty Images(

    Image caption: The break out stays heavily concentrated in10 Melbourne postal codes, officials say

    The Australian state of Victoria has actually tape-recorded another73 infections as a break out grips Melbourne.

    After 2 weeks of everyday double-digit increases, the state is. re-imposing a lockdown in36 residential areas from midnight tonight(14:00 GMT Wednesday).

    It will impact about300,00 0 locals in the city of 5. million, and last for four weeks.

    Speaking today, Premier Daniel Andrews stated he was buoyed to. see” some consistency” in the infection rate after an enormous testing blitz.

    However he cautioned a statewide lockdown was possible if individuals. ended up being contented with Australia’s worst outbreak in almost 3 months.

    ” To families throughout those lockdown residential areas, if we. all interact and if we all stick over these next. 4 weeks we can regain control of neighborhood transmission,”. he said.

    Some states have banned Victorians from entry. The rest of. the country continues to experience few or no cases- Australia has had about 7,700 in overall and104 deaths.

  7. Czechs hold celebration to’ goodbye’ pandemic

    < img alt=" Regional musicians participate in the party" data-reactid=". tz22 i2jkoe.$ lx-tabs0.0.$ lx-commentary.$ lx-commentary.$ post-5efc08093718820671 e9a13 b.$ post_0.0.0.0" data- data-src=" https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/live-experience/cps/ / cpsprodpb/vivo/live/ images/2020/ 7/1/2b23661 e-b385-49 fe-b844-39 b1f8d7a25 a.jpg" data-widths="[240,320,400,480,512,624]" src=" data: image/gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP/// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" >

    Copyright: EPA

    The World Heath Company today cautioned that the pandemic was not even near to being over, however in the Czech Republic, a party has actually been held to give the coronavirus a” symbolic goodbye”.

    Several thousand individuals commemorated on Charles Bridge in Prague on Tuesday.

    Guests brought food and beverages and were motivated to share them with their neighbours. There was no social distancing, something people in countries under lockdown will discover tough to associate with.

    Read more about the party here.

  8. US strikes an’ remarkable offer’ on remdesivir

    United States President Donald Trump’s administration has actually protected practically all the world’s upcoming supply of the drug remdesivir. The drug, produced by the firm Gilead Sciences, is the first authorized by authorities in the US to be utilized to deal with Covid-19

    It has been revealed to assist people recuperate faster from the disease.

    A declaration from the Department of Health and Human services states Trump struck an” incredible” deal with Gilead for500,00 0 doses which totals up to100 %of Gilead’s production in July,90 %of it in August and90 %in September.

    A treatment course of remdesivir is, typically, 6.25 vials.

    < img alt=" File image of Gilead Sciences Inc pharmaceutical company" data-reactid=". tz22 i2jkoe. $ lx-tabs0.0. $ lx-commentary. $ lx-commentary. $ post-5efc08141 aef1f0655 fca1df. $ post_4.0.0.0" information- data-src=" https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/live-experience/cps/ / cpsprodpb/vivo/live/ images/2020/ 7/1/6467 e8ff-deeb-4693- b2a2-30985 e085 ea6.jpg" data-widths ="[240,320,400,480,512,624]" src="information: image/gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP/// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" >

    Copyright: Reuters

  9. Invite back

    Hello and welcome to another day of rolling protection of the coronavirus pandemic that continues to rage, with distressing lines coming out of the US and Latin America.

    Here are the latest updates:

    • The Trump administration states it has actually protected half a million doses of the Covid-19 drug remdesivir- that amounts to the majority of the upcoming international supply.
    • . It comes as leading United States health expert Anthony Fauci alerts that cases in the nation could reach100,00 0 a day.

    • The European Union is opening borders to people from15 countries- but not the United States.
    • And Australia is fighting an increase in cases in Victoria that could cause a brand-new statewide lockdown.