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Live Reporting

Edited by Tom Spender

Perpetuity mentioned are UK

  1. Iran records 209 new deaths as spike continues

    A woman wearing a mask stands next to a bin decorated with its own mask in Tehran< img alt=" A female wearing a mask stands beside a bin embellished with its own mask in Tehran" data-reactid=".2 equfng1hx0.$ lx-tabs0.0.$ lx-commentary.$ lx-commentary.$ post-5f1421 f7b2cd 210661 d4198 c.$ post_0.0.0.0" data- data-src=" https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/live-experience/cps/ width/ cpsprodpb/vivo/live/ images/2020/ 7/19/ cd6d1afa-56 ef-4398- a895 -0 b8757 db60 c1.jpg" data-widths="[240,320,400,480,512,624]" src=" data: image/gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP/// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" >

    Copyright: AFP

    Image caption: People have been encouraged to avoid social gatherings and use a mask

    Iran has actually verified209 deaths and 2,182 confirmed cases in the past24 hours.

    Of the brand-new individuals diagnosed, 1,324 have been hospitalised, a. health ministry spokeswoman stated.

    People have been prompted to avoid events, comply with social. distancing and use masks.

    The Other Day, President Hassan Rouhani said that some25 million individuals in the nation had actually been contaminated by the virus. He likewise warned that35 million. individuals could become contaminated in the next few months.

    However today health authorities downplayed the president’s. quote, saying it was based on serological blood tests that determine direct exposure. to the virus and can not be relied on to reveal the present stage of the disease.

    Iran’s health ministry on Friday said.13,791Jon O'Brien and Amy Wiltshireindividuals had actually passed away from the infection.

    Learn More here. about Iran’s battle to consist of a covid rise

  2. ‘ Midweek weddings to end up being standard in2021’

    < img alt=" Jon O'Brien and Amy Wiltshire" data-reactid=".2 equfng1hx0.$ lx-tabs0.0.$ lx-commentary.$ lx-commentary.$ post-5f1413 dea86 da506633 a72090.3.0.0:$ post_0.0.0.0" data- data-src=" https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/live-experience/cps/ / cpsprodpb/vivo/live/ images/ 2020/ 7/19/ 2fd846 c2-4790-4073-813 b-1ba474 c24860 jpg" data-widths="[240,320,400,480,512,624]" src=" information: image/gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP/// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" >

    Copyright: Jon O’Brien

    Image caption: Jon O’Brien and Amy Wiltshire are set to have a midweek wedding in2021

    More on wedding events- like Princess Beatrice and Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi most couples have actually needed to postpone their2020 marital relationship plans.

    But. with the race for2021 dates already increasingly contested, it is likely that more. individuals will need to make compromises to ensure they get a date in the journal. After all, when you’ve already cancelled once, why wait any longer?

    With couples still hoping that2021 will offer their dream wedding event, midweek. may be the method forward.

    Read more about how wedding. patterns are altering

  3. A socially-distanced royal wedding

    < img alt=" The Duke of Edinburgh and the Queen with Princess Beatrice and her brand-new partner" data-reactid=".2 equfng1hx0.$ lx-tabs0.0.$ lx-commentary.$ lx-commentary.$ post-5f141 e3ab2cd210661 d4197 f.$ post_0.0.0.0" information- data-src=" https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/live-experience/cps/ width/ cpsprodpb/vivo/live/ images/2020/ 7/19/037 e70 cf-073 d-44 a7-adaa-dd5e1d31214 d.jpg" data-widths="[240,320,400,480,512,624]" src=" data: image/gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP/// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" >

    Copyright: Benjamin Wheeler

    Photos have actually been released of a royal wedding unlike any other.

    In it, the Queen is seen standing at an appropriate distance from her granddaughter, Princess Beatrice, and her brand-new hubby Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi( referred to as Edo).

    Beatrice is using a dress on loan from the Queen, as well as the tiara she used for her own marital relationship to the Duke of Edinburgh, who is likewise pictured at the Windsor nuptials. The Queen and Prince Philip have actually been separating at Windsor Castle during the pandemic.

    The wedding event, on Friday, wasn’t publicly announced ahead of time. Beatrice and Edo’s initial plans to marry in Might had actually been ambushed due to coronavirus- and their ceremony was conducted adhering to all appropriate guidelines, Buckingham Palace stated.

    However what are the rules for weddings now- whether you’re royalty or not? Have a look at our explainer here

  4. New Hong Kong determines revealed

    < img alt=" President Carrie Lam" data-reactid=".2 equfng1hx0.$ lx-tabs0.0.$ lx-commentary. $ lx-commentary.$ post-5f141 a613 f5a810661 fe 283 c.$ post_0.0.0.0" data- data-src=" https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/live-experience/cps/ width/ cpsprodpb/vivo/live/ images/2020/ 7/19/84 fde125- b168 -4 da0-afa4-417398 a03 d64 jpg" data-widths="[240,320,400,480,512,624]" src=" data: image/gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP/// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" >

    Copyright: Reuters

    Image caption: Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam said10,000 tests would be carried out each day

    We mentioned previously. that Hong Kong has actually taped more than100 brand-new cases of the infection.

    Hong Kong Chief. Executive Carrie Lam has actually now announced that the city will perform10,000 tests. a day. She also announced that authorities would make wearing face masks necessary in indoor. public areas.

    Individuals already need to wear face coverings on public transport.

    Recently the. government restored social distancing steps, closing bars, health clubs and. clubs. These limitations will be extended.

    Find Out More about the. situation in Hong Kong here

  5. Male’ more unwilling to use face coverings’

    Studies have actually found that guys are more hesitant than. females to wear individual protective devices and face covers.

    That is in spite of the reality that Covid-19 has actually eliminated. more than600,000 individuals. In the huge majority of countries where data is. readily available, the death rates are greater among men.

    So why is this?

    Read. more here

    < img alt=" A male sits beside a lady wearing a face mask" data-reactid=".2 equfng1hx0.$ lx-tabs0.0.$ lx-commentary.$ lx-commentary.$ post-5f1415 c83 f5a810661 fe28340.3.0.0:$ post_4.0.0.0" data- data-src=" https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/live-experience/cps/ / cpsprodpb/vivo/live/ images/2020/ 7/19/457 fdec8-22 ec-45 e8-aafe-5b76 c36 f92 e2.jpg" data-widths="[240,320,400,480,512,624]" src=" information: image/gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP/// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" >

    Copyright: Getty Images

    Image caption: Ladies are more likely to wear a face mask than men, studies have actually found
  6. UK can expect’ relative flatline’ in cases if people are’ incredibly careful’

    < img alt=" Coronavirus billboard" data-reactid=".2 equfng1hx0.$ lx-tabs0.0.$ lx-commentary.$ lx-commentary.$ post-5f1415 e33 f5a810661 fe28350.3.0.0:$ post_0.0.0.0" information- data-src=" https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/live-experience/cps/ / cpsprodpb/vivo/live/ images/2020/ 7/19/ 7525 d604- d9d6-461 a-b5fb-cd1ba9375 b88 jpg" data-widths="[240,320,400,480,512,624]" src=" data: image/gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP/// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" >

    Copyright: Getty Images

    Image caption: Sir Ian states the message to remain alert and social range has been” quite consistent”

    The head of the Workplace for National Data has actually stated said he hasn’t observed an uptick in coronavirus cases in the UK since lockdown procedures were reduced.

    Prof Sir Ian Diamond informed Sky News’s Sophy Ridge:” If we are truly super. careful and if we are able to follow all the guidelines, it does appear to me that we. must anticipate there to be a relative flatline at the moment.

    ” Clearly over the autumn we will need to be ever. vigilant.”

    Sir Ian included that a V-shaped economic healing- one that is quick and continual- after coronavirus is still possible, however cautioned it was too early to tell.

    ” Certainly we did. see some indication, with producing up 8%and building and construction up 8%, of a. return, but clearly there is much to do in places like hospitality and in. lodging.”

  7. Offering for a mental health charity throughout lockdown

  8. Is the coronavirus becoming more contagious?

    < img alt=" A lady using a mask strolls past University College Health center in London" data-reactid=".2 equfng1hx0.$ lx-tabs0.0.$ lx-commentary.$ lx-commentary.$ post-5f1410 b9a86 da506633 a72020.3.0.0:$ post_0.0.0.0" information- data-src=" https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/live-experience/cps/ width/ cpsprodpb/vivo/live/ images/2020/ 7/19/ c5e493 b4-5047 -4 e69 -9 f06-01 a6924392 a6.jpg" data-widths="[240,320,400,480,512,624]" src=" information: image/gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP/// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" >

    Copyright: Getty Images

    Image caption: The changing virus is being studied at University College Hospital

    The coronavirus that is enormous. the world right now is not the same as the coronavirus that initially emerged in. China.

    The virus is altering.

    Scientists have actually found. countless mutations, or changes to the virus’s hereditary material but only one. up until now has been singled out as perhaps modifying its behaviour.

    Does this make the infection. more contagious or lethal in human beings? Could it position a risk to the success of a. future vaccine?

    Find Out More here

  9. Beijing to lower virus emergency action level

    < img alt=" A man wearing a mask in Beijing" data-reactid=".2 equfng1hx0.$ lx-tabs0.0.$ lx-commentary.$ lx-commentary.$ post-5f140 db33 f5a 810661 fe28270.3.0.0: $post_0.0.0.0" information- data-src=" https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/live-experience/cps/ / cpsprodpb/vivo/live/ images/2020/ 7/19/675 ed2a2-a085-4028 -9 cc9-c60 e8e630 e5b.jpg" data-widths="[240,320,400,480,512,624]" src=" data: image/gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP/// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" >

    Copyright: Reuters

    Image caption: Beijing has actually not taped a single case in13 days

    Beijing will reduce its. coronavirus emergency response level from three to 2, an official said on Sunday.

    The Chinese capital has reported. no brand-new cases over the past13 days.

    Nevertheless some constraints. will remain in location. A50 %visitor capability on museums, gyms and libraries. will remain. Exhibitions, sports occasions and other activities will gradually. resume, the Global Times said.

    All overseas visitors will. still require to quarantine and go through medical observation in addition to tests.

    It comes as the province. of Xinjiang taped13 new cases on Sunday.

    On Saturday, one authorities in the provincial capital Urumqi told a state briefing:” The entire city has. went into a’ wartime state’, and will suspend all type of group activities.”

    < img alt=" A view of Urumqi in Xinjiang province" data-reactid=".2 equfng1hx0.$ lx-tabs0.0.$ lx-commentary.$ lx-commentary.$ post-5f140 db33 f5a810661 fe28270.3.0.0:$ post_7.0.0.0" data- data-src=" https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/live-experience/cps/ width/ cpsprodpb/vivo/live/ images/2020/ 7/19/ efcb2196- e080 -4 e46- b40 c-ccc70 f7a0afd.jpg" data-widths="[240,320,400,480,512,624]" src=" data: image/gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP/// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" >

    Copyright: Reuters

    Image caption: Urumqi in Xinjiang province has seen an increase in the number of infections

    The current measures there include restrictions on sees to other households and big events and mass screening in buildings where cases have actually been detected.

    Residents have actually been advised not to leave the city unless definitely needed and must be checked if they do so.

  10. England deaths’ might be overstated by as much as 4,000′

    The variety of people who have actually died from coronavirus in England might have been overemphasized by approximately 4,000, states the BBC’s health editor Hugh Pym.

    It emerged that Public Health England( PHE) have actually been including anybody who has actually ever checked positive for the virus and consequently died- even if from a totally different- in its daily reported Covid-19 death figures.

    Pym stated:” It appears the English death figures have been overemphasized by a few thousand– in between 2,000 and 4,000″

    Health Secretary Matt Hancock has actually introduced an immediate review

    On The Other Hand Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland consist of those who checked positive for coronavirus and passed away within28 days of the test in its figures.

  11. ‘ Drive-by goodbye’ for main school leavers

    Video material

    People wearing masks on the Hong Kong subway system
    Video caption:’ Drive-by farewell’ for Peterborough main school leavers

    A UK main school has actually held a” drive-by goodbye” for students to give them a final possibility to fulfill their instructors and pals before secondary school.

    Students at St Botolph’s Main in Peterborough might not have their routine leavers ‘assembly or parties due to the coronavirus pandemic.

    So they might fulfill in a safe way, the school arranged for moms and dads to drive the students to the school parking lot so they might say a socially-distanced goodbye to everybody.

    ” It’s been an actually amusing end to the term, however we want them well,” said deputy head Nicky Noble.

  12. Hong Kong circumstance’ critical’ after cases surge

    < img alt=" Individuals using masks on the Hong Kong subway system" data-reactid=".2 equfng1hx0.$ lx-tabs0.0.$ lx-commentary.$ lx-commentary.$ post-5f1408243 f5a810661 fe28220.3.0.0:$ post_0.0.0.0" data- data-src=" https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/live-experience/cps/ / cpsprodpb/vivo/live/ images/2020/ 7/19/ 027 f3bdc-6263-485 d-ac0b-a1afbcf21 bd4.jpg" data-widths="[240,320,400,480,512,624]" src=" data: image/gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP/// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" >

    Copyright: Getty Images

    Image caption: More than100 cases were revealed on Sunday

    Hong Kong’s leader Carrie Lam says the infection. situation there is not yet under control after more than100 brand-new cases were tape-recorded on Sunday.

    ” I think the circumstance is truly crucial,” she said.

    Non-essential civil servants will work from home from Monday,. she stated. The city has more than180,000 civil servants.

    Amusement parks, health clubs and other places will stay closed. for another week.

    More than 2,000 cases have been taped in Hong Kong and12 individuals have actually died.

  13. Melbourne to make mask wearing necessary

    < img alt=" An individual wears a mask as they stroll through Melbourne" data-reactid=".2 equfng1hx0.$ lx-tabs0.0.$ lx-commentary.$ lx-commentary.$ post-5f140399 b2cd210661 d419620.3.0.0:$ post_0.0.0.0" data- data-src=" https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/live-experience/cps/ width/ cpsprodpb/vivo/live/ images/2020/ 7/19/ 3a6f6eca-2ad5-4953- a01 e-f249 c8941 d87 jpg" data-widths="[240,320,400,480,512,624]" src=" information: image/gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP/// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" >

    Copyright: EPA

    Image caption: Five million individuals in Melbourne will be required to wear a mask when in a public location

    The Australian city of Melbourne is set to make mask wearing. in public compulsory as it faces a spike in cases.

    Victoria state, where Melbourne lies, reported a. additional363 infections on Sunday. A lockdown is currently in place in Melbourne. and some of its surrounding locations.

    Premier Daniel Andrews stated individuals in the city and in Mitchell. Shire would be needed to wear a face covering from midnight on Wednesday.

    ” You will not be able to leave house without your mask and then. wear it where it is definitely essential to stop the spread of the infection,” he. stated.

    Those who do not comply with the guideline will deal with a$200 fine.( ₤111,$140).

    Australia has actually reported12,000 cases of the virus since the. pandemic started and122 deaths.

  14. Most significant single day increase in cases since pandemic started

    < img alt=" Commuters in Kolkata wear masks" data-reactid=".2 equfng1hx0.$ lx-tabs0.0.$ lx-commentary.$ lx-commentary.$ post-5f14015 db2cd210661 d4195 e.$ post_0.0.0.0" information- data-src=" https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/live-experience/cps/ / cpsprodpb/vivo/live/ images/2020/ 7/19/3702 e168-3934-4271- ac98- f673690 d060 d.jpg" data-widths="[240,320,400,480,512,624]" src=" data: image/gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP/// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" >

    Copyright: AFP

    Image caption: India is among the worst affected nations worldwide

    The number of brand-new coronavirus cases rose by nearly260,000 in24 hours– the biggest single-day boost because the pandemic began, the. World Health Company( WHO) said on Saturday.

    The WHO stated it is the first time the number of brand-new daily. infections has actually gone beyond a quarter of a million.

    Nations with the greatest boosts were the United States, Brazil,. India and South Africa.

    Read. more here

  15. Labour’s Nandy:’ Open holes’ in PM’s back to typical plan

    < img alt=" UK high street" data-reactid=".2 equfng1hx0.$ lx-tabs0.0.$ lx-commentary.$ lx-commentary.$ post-5f1401 c4b2cd210661 d4195 f.$ post_0.0.0.0" information- data-src=" https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/live-experience/cps/ width/ cpsprodpb/vivo/live/ images/2020/ 7/19/ c021 c40 d-18People host a party on the Charles Bridge in Praguef9-4027- bf8b-2c5b3240 fe1b.jpg” data-widths=”[240,320,400,480,512,624]” src=” information: image/gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP/// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7″ >

    Copyright: PA Media

    The UK’s shadow foreign secretary Lisa Nandy states people are nervous about investing once again, despite lots of stores, dining establishments and. pubs reopening.

    She informed Sky News’ Sophy Ridge:” There are fantastic, open holes. in the plan that the prime minister announced on Friday.”

    She stated she thinks many people aren’t coming out of their houses and spending once again because they’re nervous about what it might imply.

    ” Whether there’s going to be a 2nd wave, whether the NHS is going to. be overwhelmed,” she said.

    ” And we actually do require to get to grips with the test,. trace and isolate system which the Government accepts is not fully. practical.”

  16. Czech Republic records high variety of active cases

    Rob Cameron

    BBC Prague Reporter

    < img alt=" Individuals host a celebration on the Charles Bridge in Prague" data-reactid=".2 equfng1hx0.$ lx-tabs0.0.$ lx-commentary.$ lx-commentary.$ post-5f1400 bea86 da506633 a71 f2.$ post_0.0.0.0" information- data-src=" https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/live-experience/cps/ width/ cpsprodpb/vivo/live/ images/2020/ 7/19/ c667 f6ba-3dd8-45 d4-81 e7-d3e5ca06 ced7.jpg" data-widths="[240,320,400,480,512,624]" src=" information: image/gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP/// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" >

    Copyright: EPA

    Image caption: A couple of weeks ago individuals had been commemorating the relaxing of limitations in the country

    The number of active cases of coronavirus in the Czech. Republic has actually risen to 4,764, more than the previous high of 4,737 in April.

    However, some have actually questioned the importance of this figure, as it takes a relatively long period of time to declare someone clear of Covid-19 The variety of people in healthcare facility-135- is also far lower than during April’s peak, when the number was around450 And only around two dozen of them need additional oxygen or extensive care.

    On Saturday,113 cases were validated. A number of the new cases are in the country’s industrial. north-east where an outbreak at a mine happened.

    On Friday, authorities tightened up constraints in the. northeast of the country. The obligatory using of masks was restored along. with a limitation on dining establishment opening hours.

    The Czech Republic has had358 deaths and13,885 cases given that. the pandemic began there.

  17. Russia’s ambassador to UK declines vaccine hacking claims

    Video content

    Video caption: Russia’s UK ambassador:’ We do not see any point in interference’

    Russia’s ambassador to the UK has turned down allegations that. his nation’s intelligence services attempted to take coronavirus vaccine. research study.

    UK security services said hackers targeting vaccine. developers” probably” operated as “part of Russian intelligence services”.

    Ambassador Andrei Kelin told the BBC’s Andrew Marr show:” I. do not think in this story at all, there is no sense in it.”

    Read more. here

  18. UK PM does not desire a second national lockdown

    < img alt =" Prime Minister Boris Johnson" data-reactid =".2 equfng1hx0. $ lx-tabs0.0. $ lx-commentary. $ lx-commentary. $ post-5f13 ff1ea86 da506633 a71 f1. $ post_0.0.0.0" data- data-src =" https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/live-experience/cps/ width/ cpsprodpb/vivo/live/ images/2020/ 7/19/ d1efe280 -6 cb7-423 f-9395 -9 e6105 bachelor's degree0726 jpg" data-widths ="[240,320,400,480,512,624]" src =" information: image/gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP/// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" >

    Copyright: PA Wire

    Image caption: Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he does not desire a second national lockdown

    Prime Minister Boris Johnson states he does not want to enforce. a second national lockdown in the event of another coronavirus outbreak.

    Speaking to the Sunday Telegraph, he compared the choice of.

    However the UK’s chief scientific clinical said stated is “a. riskDanger such measures steps might needed required winter approachesMethods

    Here are your latest headings: