The look of the Moon throughout the November 2022 overall lunar eclipse. Credit: NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio The Moon goes all red, plus Leonid meteors!The Leonids will fight versus moonlight this year, however anybody with a view of the Moon in the a.m. on November 8 can take pleasure in a lunar eclipse. November 8– Full moonNovember 8– Total lunar eclipse in the hours prior to sunriseNovember 11– The Moon appears straight in between Mars and brilliant blue-white star Elnath in the west prior to sunriseNovember 20– In the hour prior to dawn, discover the crescent Moon above brilliant star Spica in the southeastNovember 18– Look straight overhead for Leonid meteors after midnight. The Moon has to do with 35% complete, and will reduce the fainter meteors.November 23– New moonNovember 28– The crescent Moon hangs underneath Saturn in the southwest after sunsetAll month– The Leonid meteor shower is active throughout November, and peaks in between midnight and occur to the 18 th. What’s Up for November? A lunar eclipse, the moon and worlds, and the Leonid meteors.An overall lunar eclipse is on the method, to supply a little celestial magic, early on the early morning of November 8th. The eclipse will show up to audiences in North America, the Pacific area, Australia, and Eastern Asia– anywhere the Moon is above the horizon while the eclipse is occurring. The Moon moves ideal to left, travelling through the penumbra and umbra, leaving in its wake an eclipse diagram with the times at different phases of the eclipse. The penumbra is the part of the Earth’s shadow where the Sun is just partly covered by the Earth. The umbra is where the Sun is totally concealed. The world Uranus has to do with 3 degrees (6 Moon widths) north of the Moon throughout totality. It’s usually a bit too dim to see with the naked eye, however field glasses and little telescopes expose it as a little, mint-green dot. Credit: NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio For observers in the Eastern time zone of the U.S. and Canada, the partial eclipse starts a little after 4 a.m. It reaches complete eclipse at about 5: 15 a.m. regional time, and the Moon then sets while still in eclipse for you. For observers on the West Coast of North America, that equates to the partial eclipse starting simply after 1 a.m., and reaching complete eclipse by about 2: 15 a.m. You’ll have the ability to see the whole eclipse unfold prior to dawn, weather condition allowing, as the Moon exits the dark part of Earth’s shadow (called the umbra) a couple of minutes prior to 5 a.m. During a lunar eclipse, you’ll likely see that you can see a lot more faint stars, as the generally dazzling moon dims to a dull red. Throughout a lunar eclipse, you’ll likely see that you can see a lot more faint stars, as the generally dazzling moon dims to a dull red. And throughout this eclipse, audiences with field glasses can spy an additional reward– the ice huge world Uranus will show up simply a finger’s width far from the eclipsed Moon. Inspect the video map listed below to learn if the eclipse shows up from your location, and discover lots more eclipse details from NASA at This animated map reveals where the November 8, 2022, lunar eclipse shows up. Contours mark the edge of the exposure area at eclipse contact times. The map is fixated 168 °57′ W, the sublunar longitude at mid-eclipse. On November 8, 2022, the Moon gets in the Earth’s shadow, producing an overall lunar eclipse, the very first because May. This animation reveals the area of the Earth where this eclipse shows up. This area moves to the west throughout the eclipse. Observers near the edge of the presence area might see just part of the eclipse since for them, the Moon sets (on the eastern or right-hand edge) or increases (on the western or left-hand edge) while the eclipse is occurring. Shape lines mark the edge of the exposure area at the contact times. These are the times when the Moon goes into or leaves the umbra (the part of the Earth’s shadow where the Sun is totally concealed) and penumbra (the part where the Sun is just partly obstructed). For observers found on a shape line, the contact happens at moonrise (west) or moonset (east). Credit: NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio In the pre-dawn hours of November 11 th, you’ll discover the Moon straight in between Mars and the brilliant bluish-white star Elnath. Elnath is the 2nd brightest star in the constellation Taurus, after reddish Aldebaran, and it forms the northern horn of the bull. You’ll discover that Elnath has to do with the exact same brightness as the star Bellatrix in neighboring Orion, where it forms among the hunter’s shoulders. On November 20 th, in the hour prior to daybreak, look towards the southeast to discover a slim, crescent Moon hanging right above the brilliant bluish star Spica. It’s a huge star, 10 times the mass of our Sun, and 12,000 times more luminescent. For us, it’s situated 260 light-years away from Earth. And at night sky, on November 28 th, a gorgeous crescent Moon hangs below Saturn in the south after sundown. The Leonid meteor shower is active throughout November. It peaks after midnight on the 18 th, with something like 15 to 20 meteors per hour under clear, dark skies. On the peak night for the Leonids this year, the Moon will have to do with 35% complete, implying it will hinder your capability to see the fainter meteors. The shower’s name originates from the constellation Leo, the lion, from which its meteors appear to radiate. The meteors are dirty little bits of particles left by comet Tempel-Tuttle as it orbits the Sun. This comet was really found two times, individually. On the peak night for the Leonids this year, the Moon will have to do with 35% complete, indicating it will disrupt your capability to see the fainter meteors. Leonid meteors are frequently intense, with routes (likewise called trains) that continue for a couple of seconds after they streak throughout the sky. And while the Moon will be increasing in the east with Leo around midnight regional time, it’s in fact much better to see the sky far from the meteors’ evident point of origin, by lying back and looking straight up, as any meteor tracks you see will appear longer and more incredible. Here are the stages of the Moon for November. The stages of the Moon for November2022 Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech Stay up to date with all of NASA’s objectives to check out the planetary system and beyond at I’m Preston Dyches from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which’s What’s Up for this month.
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Do Not Miss: Total Lunar Eclipse and Leonid Meteor Shower