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Drew Brees Stands Versus Trump: Racial Justice Protests ‘Not About The American Flag’


Jun 6, 2020 #About, #Protests
Drew Brees Stands Versus Trump: Racial Justice Protests ‘Not About The American Flag’

New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees advised President Donald Trump on Friday night to stop describing NFL gamers’ silent actions throughout the national anthem as disrespect for the U.S. flag as he walked back his own comments earlier this week about patriotism and demonstrations.

In an Instagram post addressed straight to Trump, who had actually protected Brees’s criticism of social justice protests, the quarterback said: “Through my ongoing conversations with pals, teammates, and leaders in the black neighborhood, I recognize this is not an issue about the American flag.”

” It has never ever been,” he added. “We can no longer utilize the flag to turn people away or distract them from the real concerns that face our black communities.”

Brees had told Yahoo Financing on Wednesday that he would “never ever agree with anybody” participating in national anthem protests throughout the NFL’s 2020 season.

” I will never concur with anyone disrespecting the flag of the United States of America,” he had said.

But after many individuals, including his colleagues and other NFL players, criticized Brees, he offered an apology Thursday and vowed to be an ally for the Black community in its battle against “organized racial injustice.”

Trump tweeted on Friday, nevertheless, that Brees should not have disavowed his initial statement.

I am a huge fan of Drew Brees. I think he’s really one of the greatest quarterbacks, but he ought to not have taken back his original position on honoring our splendid American Flag. OLD SPLENDOR is to be revered, valued,

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