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  • Fri. Jul 5th, 2024

George Floyd’s brother says Donald Trump barely let him speak during their conversation


May 31, 2020 #barely, #speak
George Floyd’s brother says Donald Trump barely let him speak during their conversation

As protests rage after the death of George Floyd, his brother has described the actions of police as a “modern-day lynching” and called for the police officers involved to be charged with first-degree murder.

Key points:

  • Philonise Floyd received a phone call from Donald Trump but said the US President barely let him speak
  • He has called for the police officers involved in his brother’s death to be charged with first-degree murder and face the death penalty
  • With protests in many cities across the country, Philonise Floyd said he did not want them to lash out but he understands their pain and anger

The death of Mr Floyd while a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck prompted a global outcry of anger over police brutality towards black people in the United States, which led to at-times violent protests across the country.

Derek Chauvin, the then-Minneapolis Police Department officer who was kneeling on Mr Floyd when he died, has been charged with manslaughter and third-degree murder, but Mr Floyd’s brother, Philonise, said all officers involved should “be convicted of first-degree murder and given the death penalty”.

“They didn’t care ab

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