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  • Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Georgia, other U.S. states press ahead with early coronavirus resuming

Georgia, other U.S. states press ahead with early coronavirus resuming

ATLANTA (Reuters) – Governors of about half a lots U.S. states are pushing ahead with strategies to begin a partial restart of their economies despite warnings that loosening limitations prematurely could cause a fresh surge of coronavirus infections and loss of life.

The move toward resuming in Georgia, South Carolina and other states follows a series of protests in Michigan, Pennsylvania and elsewhere to demand a rollback on orders that have shut down service and social life to combat the pandemic.

In some other, harder-hit states, tensions between President Donald Trump and governors have intensified over the federal government’s role in resolving a persistent shortage of screening, seen by professionals as a prerequisite for reducing direct exposure and allowing a safe reopening.

Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York City, which accounts for almost half of the coronavirus deaths in the United States, was due to discuss the testing problem throughout a White House meeting with Trump on Tuesday afternoon.

” It refers concern, this entire concept of opening up. It’s based on non-science created specifications,” stated Dr. Boris Lushniak, dean of the University of Maryland School of Public Health.

Lushniak said Georgia had shown only seven days of decreasing cases rather of the 14 days needed by federal standards.

Health authorities state the United States ought to test approximately 3 million people weekly to get an accurate sense of the infection’s reach, but states evaluated only 1 million over the previous seven days, according to the Covid Tracking Task.

” We have actually got to get more screening done before we make any public health choices. … We have actually got to improve at this. Our hands are connected without this testing,” Lushniak said.

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