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  • Mon. Jun 3rd, 2024

House Democrats Torch Trump Administration’s Coronavirus Action

House Democrats Torch Trump Administration’s Coronavirus Action

Home Democrats knocked President Donald Trump and his administration on Wednesday over the coronavirus break out, implicating the president of minimizing the risk and top officials of fumbling the response.

In a fiery opening declaration at a hearing including numerous high-ranking health authorities, Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.), chair of your home Committee on Oversight and Reform, said testing in the U.S. has been “severely insufficient” and pestered by hold-ups, keeping in mind that South Korea is performing some 10,000 tests daily– more than the U.S. has finished in total.

” We are running in the dark,” Maloney said.

The hearing began hours after The New York Times reported what it described as “a series of missed chances by the federal government to make sure more prevalent screening throughout the early days of the break out, when containment would have been much easier.” That consisted of informing Dr. Helen Y. Chu, a transmittable illness professional in Seattle, to stop checking for the virus after she discovered a break out in Washington state.

Trump has consistently lied about the crisis, made a mess of facts and downplayed the seriousness, reaching to state that “ one day it resembles a wonder, it will vanish.”

On Wednesday, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergic Reaction and Transmittable Illness, did not mince words.

” Is the worst yet to come?” Maloney asked him.

” Yes it is,” Fauci answered. “I can state we will see more cases and things will become worse than they are right now. How much worse they’ll get will depend on our capability t

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