No one likes influenza symptoms, and it can be hard to tell which infection is causing them. Pic thanks to Pixabay
” Shortness of breath” is a distinguishing symptom of COVID-19 from other health problems, like the influenza or cold.
How can you inform what you’ve come down with if you’re feeling ill?
Coronavirus Signs
To promote awareness of coronavirus-caused symptoms, the CDC has put out this handy shareable flyer(pdf), envisioned listed below:
These symptoms may appear 2-14 days after direct exposure (though that time is estimated ” based upon what has actually been seen previously as the incubation duration of MERS– CoV infections”).
Symptom Breakdown vs. Flu and Cold
Here’s a brief meaning of each illness and how the hallmark symptoms of each compare, as explained by the CDC:
The Cold
Triggered by respiratory viruses, usually rhinoviruses. There’s no remedy, but its signs are usually mild, and it passes with good hydration and rest.
- Sneezing
- Cough
- Stuffy nose
- Aching throat
- Headaches
- Body pains
The Flu
Influenza, or the “influenza,” is brought on by influenza viruses. It can cause mild to severe health problem.
- Fever/feeling feverish, chills
- Cough
- Aching throat
- Runny or stuffy nose
- Muscle or body pains
- Headaches
- Tiredness, exhaustion
- Possibly vomiting/diarrhea, though this is more typical in kids
COVID-19 or Coronavirus
Respiratory health problem brought on by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2